首页> 外文期刊>Research on Humanities and Social Sciences >Effect of Intellectual Stimulation and Individualized Consideration on Staff Performance in State Owned Enterprises in Kenya

Effect of Intellectual Stimulation and Individualized Consideration on Staff Performance in State Owned Enterprises in Kenya




The aim of this study was to examine effect of Intellectual Stimulation and Individualized Consideration on performance of staff in State Owned Enterprises in Kenya. The study intended to answer the following research questions: does intellectual stimulation affect performance of staff in SOEs in Kenya?, and does individualized consideration affect performance of staff in SOEs in Kenya? Positivism research philosophy and descriptive research design were used in this study. Stratified random sampling technique was used to select a sample of 163 senior managers from the target population of 275 senior managers. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data from the selected members of top management team in SOEs. The study used factor analysis to reduce data, correlation analysis to establish the relationship between staff performance and intellectual stimulation and individualized consideration, chi square test, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and multiple linear regression model to test the hypotheses. The study found that intellectual stimulation was positively and significantly related with staff performance, r (139) = .73, p < .00 and significantly predicted staff performance, β = .78, t (145) = 3.38, p < .001. Individualized consideration was strongly correlated with staff performance r (138) = .75, p < .00 and significantly predicted staff performance, β = 1.07, t (145) = 4.57, p < .00.The study concluded that Intellectual Stimulation and Individualized Consideration positively and significantly increased performance of staff in SOEs in Kenya. The study recommended in order for the SOEs to achieve their objectives, top management should inspire and motivate their followers so as to increase performance.
机译:这项研究的目的是检验智力刺激和个性化考虑对肯尼亚国有企业员工绩效的影响。该研究旨在回答以下研究问题:智力刺激是否会影响肯尼亚国有企业员工的绩效?个性化考量是否会影响肯尼亚国有企业员工的绩效?实证研究的研究哲学和描述性研究设计被用于这项研究。使用分层随机抽样技术从275名高级管理人员的目标人群中选择了163名高级管理人员。使用结构化的调查表从国有企业中高层管理团队的选定成员中收集数据。该研究使用因子分析来减少数据,进行相关分析以建立员工绩效与智力激励和个性化考虑之间的关系,卡方检验,方差分析(ANOVA)和多元线性回归模型来检验假设。研究发现,智力刺激与员工绩效成正相关,r(139)= .73,p <.00,显着预测员工绩效,β= .78,t(145)= 3.38,p <.001。个性化考虑与员工绩效紧密相关(r(138)= .75,p <.00)和显着预测的员工绩效,β= 1.07,t(145)= 4.57,p <.00。积极考虑并大大提高了肯尼亚国有企业员工的绩效。该研究建议为了使国有企业实现其目标,高层管理人员应激励和激励其追随者,以提高绩效。



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