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Augustine’s Introduction to Political Philosophy: Teaching De Libero Arbitrio, Book I




Book I of Augustine’s work On Free Choice (De Libero Arbitrio) offers a helpful introduction to some of the most important themes of political philosophy. The paper makes a case for teaching this text in introductory courses on political thought, theology of social life, and similar topics, alongside or even in place of the more usually assigned excerpts from City of God. The text is written as a dialogue in which Augustine seeks to introduce a student of his to reflection on the ways in which our moral outlook is profoundly shaped by our political citizenship. It invites all of us, whether Christian or non-Christian citizens, to enter into the dialogue ourselves as Augustine’s students and so to reflect on the moral significance of our own citizenship.
机译:奥古斯丁的著作《自由选择》(De Libero Arbitrio)第一本书对一些最重要的政治哲学主题进行了有益的介绍。本文为在政治思想,社会生活神学和类似主题的入门课程中讲授本书提供了一个案例,该课程甚至代替了通常由上帝之城指定的摘录。这段文字是作为一种对话而写的,在这种对话中,奥古斯丁试图介绍他的一个学生,以反思我们的政治观念深刻地影响着我们的道德观的方式。它邀请我们所有人,无论是基督教公民还是非基督教公民,都以奥古斯丁的学生身份参加对话,以反思我们公民身份的道德意义。



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