首页> 外文期刊>Religions >Authority without Authenticity: The Zhuangzi ’s Genuine Pretending as Socio-Political Strategy

Authority without Authenticity: The Zhuangzi ’s Genuine Pretending as Socio-Political Strategy




In this paper, we present a socio-political reading of the Zhuangzi based in part on a brief review of contemporary Chinese scholarship on the text. We will argue that the approach to dealing with authority in the Zhuangzi can be summarized by the phrase “externally transforming without transforming internally”. When applied to situations where the individual engages with political or social authority, this idea commends the art of retaining a non-conforming and non-committed internal state while, to an extent, conforming to external circumstances and committing to certain actions. In this way the Zhuangzi not only aims at ensuring safety in potentially dangerous encounters with authority, but also the avoidance of “authenticating” authority. Following the language and logic of the Zhuangzi , the emphasis is on “forgetting ( wang 忘)”, “losing ( sang 桑)”, and “negating ( wu 無)” one’s social self, rather than constructing or discovering an “authentic self” that might ultimately only reify authority. We will refer to the Zhuangzi ’s strategy in terms of what we call “genuine pretending”.
机译:在本文中,我们部分地基于对当代中国学术研究的简要介绍,对庄子进行了社会政治解读。我们将争辩说,在庄子中与权威打交道的方法可以概括为“从外部转化而没有内部转化”。当应用于个人与政治或社会权威互动的情况时,这种想法赞扬了在保持某种程度上符合外部环境并致力于某些行动的同时保持不合格和不负责任的内部状态的艺术。这样,庄子不仅旨在确保在与权威进行潜在危险的相遇中的安全,而且还避免了对“权威”的“认证”。遵循庄子的语言和逻辑,重点是“忘记”,“失去桑桑”和“否定”一个人的社会自我,而不是建构或发现“真实的自我” ”,这可能最终只能证明权威。我们将以所谓的“真正的伪装”来指代庄子的战略。



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