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Outobiografie as hermeneutiek van die self: Van Rousseau tot Le Clézio




Autobiography as hermeneutics of the self, from Rousseau to Le Clézio. This article investigates the hypothesis that autobiography can be regarded as a type of hermeneutics of the self. In order to achieve this, a selection of French autobiographical texts was analysed. As this study is a reworked version of an inaugural lecture, it presents an overview rather than a detailed analysis of the theories or the texts it refers to. Jean-Jacques Rousseau's Confessions, generally regarded as a cornerstone of modern autobiography, was used as a point of departure for the interpretation of operations of understanding at work in autobiographical texts. The article demonstrates how the writers of the rest of the corpus of texts question Rousseau's historical model in different ways according to more recent concepts of the self. Thus it is argued that George Perec replaces the historical model of understanding with an approach based on deciphering signs from the past; that Nathalie Sarraute combines the New Novel's concept of the divided subject with that of tropismes in order to give a truthful representation of her childhood; and that Roland Barthes problematises the notion of language as a medium of expression of subjectivity in his ‘anti-outobiography'. This study furthermore demonstrates how Marguerite Yourcenar breaks with the anthropomorphism associated with humanism to pave the way for the realisation that the presence of the Other profoundly determines the understanding of the self. Finally, the ethics of dealing with the Other in intercultural encounters, as recorded in Ken Bugul and Jean-Marie Le Clézio's autobiographies, is examined. The article shows how, from the 18th century onwards, literary and philosophical trends influenced the act of understanding and interpreting the individual existence and hence the nature of autobiography.
机译:自传作为自我的诠释学,从卢梭到勒克莱齐奥。本文研究了自传可以被视为一种自我解释学的假设。为了实现这一目标,分析了一些法国自传文本。由于本研究是就职演讲的重编版本,因此它仅提供概述,而不是对其所指理论或教科书的详细分析。让·雅克·卢梭的自白,通常被认为是现代自传的基石,被用作解释自传文本中对理解的理解的出发点。本文说明了其他语料库的作者如何根据最新的自我概念以不同的方式质疑卢梭的历史模型。因此,有人认为乔治·佩雷克(George Perec)用基于破译过去迹象的方法代替了理解的历史模型。娜塔莉·萨拉罗特(Nathalie Sarraute)将新小说的分裂主题概念与向性性概念相结合,以真实地再现她的童年时代;罗兰·巴特(Roland Barthes)在他的“反外传”中质疑语言作为主观性表达媒介的概念。这项研究进一步证明了玛格丽特·尤瑟纳尔是如何打破与人本主义相关的拟人主义的,从而为认识到“他人”的存在深刻地决定了对自我的理解铺平了道路。最后,考察了肯·布古尔(Jen Bugul)和让·玛丽·克莱尔齐奥(Jean-Marie LeClézio)的自传中所记录的在跨文化交际中与他人打交道的伦理。本文说明了从18世纪开始,文学和哲学趋势如何影响理解和解释个人存在的行为,从而影响自传的本质。



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