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Die Auslotung des Menschenm?glichen: Die Verschr?nkung von Sprache und Identit?t bei Hugo Loetscher




Over the course of his career as a writer, Swiss intellectual Hugo Loetscher developed a fragmentary body of ideas on the themes of language and identity respectively. In this article, it is shown that these two themes may fruitfully be compared in five aspects. Firstly, Loetscher conceives of both as being deficient and as mere potentialities. Furthermore, he desires to experience the entirety of possibilities which being human could offer, with respect to the dimensions of language and identity. These interactions with language and identity subsequently leave him with unresolved issues, of which he thinks as a remainder. Lastly, his conception of a gamut of partial identities as human possibilities is also central to a language he wishes to invent. Although Loetscher's ideas on these themes can only be extrapolated from his literary writings or essayistic fragments, a systematic treatment of these ideas in the context of philosophy of language reveals a unique and avant-garde way of thinking. This discussion leads to the realisation that Loetscher purposefully and repeatedly employs language and identity as synonymous with the possibilities of being human.
机译:在作为作家的职业生涯中,瑞士知识分子雨果·洛切尔(Hugo Loetscher)分别就语言和认同主题提出了一些零碎的观念。本文显示可以在五个方面对这两个主题进行有效的比较。首先,Loetscher认为既有缺陷又有潜力。此外,他希望在语言和身份的维度上体验人类可以提供的全部可能性。这些与语言和身份的互动随后使他面临未解决的问题,他认为这是剩余的问题。最后,他将部分身份视为人类可能性的概念对于他希望发明的语言也很重要。尽管只能从他的文学作品或散文碎片中推断出罗切尔关于这些主题的思想,但在语言哲学的语境下对这些思想的系统处理揭示了一种独特而前卫的思维方式。通过讨论,人们认识到了Loetscher有目的地重复使用语言和身份作为人类可能性的同义词。



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