首页> 外文期刊>Literator >'n Aspek van intertekstualiteit in die poesie van Breytenbach: Francois Villon en die Middeleeuse Franse literere tradisie.

'n Aspek van intertekstualiteit in die poesie van Breytenbach: Francois Villon en die Middeleeuse Franse literere tradisie.




Apart from biographical correlations marking the poetry of Breyten Breytenbach and Francois Villon (imprisonment and exile) there is an ongoing intertextual dialogue between the two authors on which this article focusses. Thematic correlations indicate that both oeuvres link up with the age-old literary tradition of the ubi sunt and the danse macabre. Stylistic correlations, such as word-play, the polyvalent nature of the text and the use of paradox as creative principle appear to be symptomatic of the existential insecurity characterizing historically and culturally transitional periods. This implies inter alia that the parallel between the two oeuvres is not merely anecdotal, but that the Breytenbach discourse has validity in a context far broader than South Africa and ties in with a universal literary tradition where master data of the text unfold in a wholly different dimension than a first level meaning might suggest.
机译:除了标志着布雷顿(Breyten Breytenbach)和弗朗索瓦·维永(Francois Villon)(入狱和流放)诗歌的传记相关性外,本文还将重点探讨两位作者之间正在进行的互文对话。主题相关性表明,这两种作品都与“ ubi ut”和“ danse macabre”的古老文学传统联系在一起。风格上的相关性,例如文字游戏,文本的多价性质以及使用悖论作为创作原则,似乎是表征历史和文化过渡时期存在的不安全感的征兆。这尤其意味着,这两个作品之间的相似之处不仅是轶事,而且布雷登巴赫话语在比南非更广泛的背景下具有有效性,并且与普遍的文学传统联系在一起,在传统文学传统中,文本的主要数据以完全不同的方式展现出来。维度可能比第一层含义暗示的要好。



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