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Verskyningsvorme van die Simbolisme in die ouer Afrikaanse vertelkuns




As the Symbolist movement has primarily been linked to the poetic mode, the association of symbolism with prose writing, and particularly with traditional Afrikaans prose, raises many questions, From the writings of older critics it appears that whereas they did identify symbolic patterns in the work of contemporaries, the presence of a specific Symbolist influence is either not recognized at all, or played down and evaluated negatively. However, several of the early authors themselves, e.g. Leipoldt, Grosskopf and Marais, referred to, or admitted to being influenced by the great 19th-century Symbolist poets. The most marked example of Symbolist writing is evident in the short stories of Marais (“Die Re?nbul”) and Van Melle (Denker kom kyk). In all the cases where the symbolist influence can be traced, several common characteristics are evident: the authors remained outside the mainstream of traditional Afrikaans prose writing, the lyrical tone and a decadent mood dominate, and in these early works signs of the innovative “Sestiger” prose are already evident.
机译:由于象征主义运动主要是与诗歌模式联系在一起的,所以象征主义与散文写作,尤其是与传统的南非荷兰文散文的联系,引起了很多问题。从较早的批评家的著作中看来,他们确实在作品中确定了象征模式。在同时代人看来,某种特定象征主义影响力的存在要么根本无法识别,要么被淡化并被否定了。但是,一些早期的作者本人,例如莱波特,格罗斯科普夫(Grosskopf)和玛赖斯(Marais)被提及或承认受19世纪伟大的象征主义诗人影响。象征主义写作的最明显的例子是在Marais(“ Die Re?nbul”)和Van Melle(Denker kom kyk)的短篇小说中。在所有可以追溯象征主义影响的情况下,都有几个共同的特征是显而易见的:作者仍然不在传统南非荷兰语散文写作的主流,抒情性和a废的情绪中占主导地位,而在这些早期作品中,具有创新意义的“ Sestiger”散文已经很明显了。



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