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Religion and the Literary Critic




In a recent article Jonathan Culler, condemned out of hand any use of religious terminology to define literature, seeing this as part of the destructive processes so-called “religion” has brought to American life. The article is an attempt to refute Culler by indicating, through an analysis of William Faulkner's As I Lay Dying, that an attempt to reject all religion as being destructive or quaintly anachronistic (as Culler ultimately does) seriously limits the capacity of the literary critic to explore works of literature. Evidence is brought forward to suggest that while Faulkner rejects the hypocritically pious type of religion as does Culler, he, unlike Culler, seems to be aware that religion is a much broader and deeper concept than this, exploring in an extremely positive way a type of experience universally accepted as religious, which has about it none of the qualities which Culler rejects.
机译:乔纳森·卡勒(Jonathan Culler)在最近的一篇文章中,谴责了使用宗教术语来定义文学的任何使用,认为这是所谓的“宗教”给美国生活带来的破坏性过程的一部分。本文是通过对威廉·福克纳(William Faulkner)的《我躺着的死亡》(Ana I Lay Dying)进行分析来表明,驳斥库勒的一种尝试,即试图拒绝所有宗教具有破坏性或过时性(正如库勒最终所做的那样)严重限制了文学批评家的能力。探索文学作品。有证据表明,尽管福克纳和库勒一样拒绝虚伪的虔诚宗教,但他与库勒不同,他似乎意识到宗教是一个比这更广泛和更深入的概念,以一种极其积极的方式探索了一种经历了被普遍认为是宗教的经历,而这却没有库勒所拒绝的品质。



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