首页> 外文期刊>NeuroQuantology: an interdisciplinary journal of neuroscience and quantum physics >About Subjectivity and Reality: Comments on the letter of Ping Sun and Ravi Prakash “Revisiting the Concepts of Subjectivity and Reality in Many-Worlds View of Consciousness and Super-Consciousness”

About Subjectivity and Reality: Comments on the letter of Ping Sun and Ravi Prakash “Revisiting the Concepts of Subjectivity and Reality in Many-Worlds View of Consciousness and Super-Consciousness”

机译:关于主体性和现实性:孙平和拉维·普拉卡什(Ravi Prakash)的信“在多世界的意识和超意识观中重新审视主体性和现实性概念”



The issues of subjectivity and reality are difficult for analyzing them, but they are extremely interesting and are actively debated in psychology and philosophy. The emergence of quantum mechanics significantly influenced the nature of the debate on these issues. In recent decades many authors apply the Everett’s (“many-worlds”) interpretation of quantum mechanics in this context. I attempted to approach these problems by rewording of the Everett’s concept as coexistence of different “classical realities” which are separated from each other in consciousness (instead of the usual formulation that different “Everett’s worlds” coexist, with a twin of each observer in each Everett’s world). In this formulation it is natural to assume that the separation of alternative classical realities is just what we call consciousness. The direct consequence of this assumption is that turning off consciousness or its weakening stops separation and opens access to all or many alternative classical realities. New abilities arising in this state were called super-consciousness. These abilities include super-intuition (obtaining knowledge from "nowhere") and control of “subjectively perceived reality”. The resulting theory was called Extended Everett Concept (EEC). NeuroQuantology | June 2012 | Volume 10 | Issue 2| Page 348-349
机译:主体性和现实性的问题很难对其进行分析,但是它们非常有趣,并且在心理学和哲学领域也进行了积极的辩论。量子力学的出现极大地影响了关于这些问题的辩论的性质。在最近的几十年中,许多作者在这种情况下运用了埃弗雷特(“许多世界”)对量子力学的解释。我试图通过将埃弗里特的概念改写为在意识上彼此分离的不同“古典现实”的共存来解决这些问题(而不是通常的说法,即不同的“埃弗里特的世界”共存,每个观察者中都有一对埃弗里特的世界)。在这种表述中,很自然地假设替代古典现实的分离就是我们所谓的意识。这种假设的直接结果是,关闭意识或其减弱会停止分离,并打开进入所有或许多替代古典现实的通道。在这种状态下出现的新能力称为超意识。这些能力包括超直觉(从“无处”获得知识)和控制“主观感知的现实”。由此产生的理论被称为扩展埃弗里特概念(EEC)。神经定量学| 2012年6月|第10卷|问题2 |第348-349页



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