
Chinese Traditional Culture and Research of Parapsychology




This is first academic research book on parapsychology published in P.R.China. It tries to combines the Chinese traditional culture and the modern science by a new view. This book includes mainly following contents: A well-known scientist Brian D. Josephson (Professor of Department of Physics, University of Cambridge) agrees, its “String Theory, Universal Mind, and the Paranormal” is first article. Based on the modern science, he proposed a model consistent with string theory for so-called paranormal phenomena such as extra-sensory perception (ESP), in which the mathematical skills are assumed to derive from a special ‘mental vacuum state’, whose origin is explained on the basis of anthropic and biological arguments, taking into account the need for the informational processes associated with such a state to be of a life-supporting character. ESP is then explained in terms of shared ‘thought bubbles’ generated by the participants out of the mental vacuum state. This paper is correlated with a universal Mind or an extended mind, and concludes with a critique of arguments sometimes made claiming to ‘rule out’ the possible existence of paranormal phenomena.NeuroQuantology | December 2012 | Volume 10 | Issue 4 | Page 765-767
机译:这是在中国出版的第一本关于超心理学的学术研究著作。它试图以一种新的视角将中国传统文化与现代科学相结合。本书主要包括以下内容:剑桥大学物理系教授布莱恩·D·约瑟夫森(Brian D. Josephson)对此表示赞同,其“弦理论,普适精神和超自然现象”是第一篇文章。在现代科学的基础上,他提出了一种与弦理论相一致的模型,用于所谓的超自然现象,例如超感官知觉(ESP),其中的数学技能被假定为源自一种特殊的“心理真空状态”,其起源基于人类和生物学的论点进行了解释,并考虑到与这种状态相关的信息过程具有维持生命的特征。然后根据参与者在精神真空状态下产生的共享“思想泡泡”来解释ESP。这篇论文与一个普遍的思维或一个扩展的思维有关,并以对某些有时声称“排除”超自然现象可能存在的论点进行了批评。 2012年12月|第10卷|第4期第765-767页



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