首页> 外文期刊>Kaleidoscope: The Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Journal of Durham University s Institute of Advanced Study >Lightness as Existential Temporality: Exploring the overlap between philosophical and literary approaches to the concept of lightness in two contemporary novels

Lightness as Existential Temporality: Exploring the overlap between philosophical and literary approaches to the concept of lightness in two contemporary novels




Lightness as a formal literary and aesthetic quality has not received as much critical attention in literary study as its philosophical counterpart. Some critical discussion on the subject can be found in the work of Italo Calvino’s Six Memos for the Next Millennium and Roland Barthes’ Empire of Signs . The subsequent critical exploration of lightness by Bede Tregear Scott in his article “On Superficiality: Truman Capote and the Ceremony of Style” and book On Lightness in World Literature explores and identifies certain defining characteristics of what he believes to be a universal quality in several very different works of literature over five different time periods. These include superficiality, irreverence, implausibility, readability and triviality. This articles aims to offer a comparison between a philosophical approach to lightness, that is, one that concerns itself with the more weighty issues associated with existential temporality and the meaning of life, in Milan Kundera’s The Unbearable Lightness of Being , with a novel that more closely exemplifies the kind of lightness that Scott describes, but that nevertheless still expresses weighty philosophical concerns: Alessandro Baricco’s Silk . In so doing, this article hopes to show that clear boundaries between lightness as a philosophical concept and a literary quality abstracted from weighty philosophical concerns cannot easily be made. But, when they are experienced in synthesis, they have the potential to offer the kind of sublime reading experience that can only be found in literature. In his preface to Six Memos for the Next Millennium , Calvino wrote “that there are things that only literature can give us.” It is also hoped that this article may contribute to the commendation of the value of literature to an inter-disciplinarily minded readership
机译:轻度作为一种形式上的文学和美学品质,没有像其哲学上的对等一样受到文学研究的批判关注。关于此主题的一些批判性讨论可以在Italo Calvino的《面向下一个千年的六大备忘录》和Roland Barthes的《标志帝国》中找到。贝德·特雷格尔·斯科特(Bede Tregear Scott)随后在他的文章《论肤浅:杜鲁门·卡波特与风格的典礼》和《世界文学中的光明》中对光明进行了批判性的探索,探索并确定了他认为具有普遍性的某些确定性特征。五个不同时期的不同文学作品。这些包括表面性,无礼,不可信,可读性和琐碎性。本文旨在比较米兰·昆德拉(Milan Kundera)的《无法忍受的存在之光》中的一种关于光明性的哲学方法,即一种与存在的时空性和生命的意义相关的更为沉重的问题,该方法涉及一种小说。可以很好地说明斯科特所描述的那种轻巧,但是仍然表达着沉重的哲学关注:亚历山德罗·巴里科(Alessandro Baricco)的《丝绸》。通过这样做,本文希望表明,在轻度作为一种哲学概念与从重重的哲学关注中抽象出来的文学品质之间没有清晰的界限。但是,当他们具有综合经验时,他们就有可能提供仅在文学中才能找到的崇高阅读体验。卡尔维诺在《未来千年的六个备忘录》的序言中写道:“有些东西只有文学才能给我们带来。”也希望本文可以对跨学科的读者群对文学的价值的赞扬作出贡献



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