首页> 外文期刊>MediaTor >Representasi Etnis Tionghoa dalam Film “Ku Kejar Cinta Ke Negeri Cina” dan “Ngenest”

Representasi Etnis Tionghoa dalam Film “Ku Kejar Cinta Ke Negeri Cina” dan “Ngenest”




The construction of representations of certain groups in the mass media reflects existing power relations. This is what happened to the description of Chinese in Indonesian films. Ethnic representation reflects the social, cultural, political, and economic values of the people who produce it. Government policies related to the existence of ethnic Chinese in Indonesia have been issued several times. Through Presidential Decree No. 12 in 2014 the government again made a regulation that tried to place Chinese people not to be seen and treated discriminatively. The purpose of this study was to determine the description of ethnic Chinese characters in films in Indonesia after the issuance of the regulation. By using semiotic analysis, researchers wanted to see the depiction in the film Ku Kejar Cinta ke Negeri Cina and Ngenest. The results show that the image of Chinese ethnicity is still maintained, which is related to physical problems, religion, and national identity, while the changing depiction relates to social class that are economy and education. The retention of these Chinese portrayals shows that government interference through regulation has not been able to change the general view of Chinese ethnicity.
机译:大众媒体中某些群体的代表性的构建反映了现有的权力关系。这就是印尼电影中对华人的描述。族裔代表制反映了产生这种代表的人的社会,文化,政治和经济价值。有关印尼华人存在的政府政策已经发布了好几次。政府通过2014年的第12号总统令再次制定了一项法规,力图使中国人民不被歧视和歧视。这项研究的目的是确定该法规发布后印度尼西亚电影中的民族汉字描述。通过使用符号学分析,研究人员希望在电影《 Ku Kejar Cinta ke Negeri Cina and Ngenest》中看到这种描绘。结果表明,中国人的种族形象仍然得以维持,这与身体问题,宗教信仰和民族身份有关,而不断变化的描绘则与经济和教育等社会阶层有关。这些对中国人的描述的保留表明,政府通过监管进行干预并不能改变人们对中国人的普遍看法。



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