首页> 外文期刊>Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution >Multiple Ornaments—Multiple Signaling Functions? The Importance of Song and UV Plumage Coloration in Female Superb Fairy-wrens (Malurus cyaneus)

Multiple Ornaments—Multiple Signaling Functions? The Importance of Song and UV Plumage Coloration in Female Superb Fairy-wrens (Malurus cyaneus)

机译:多种装饰-多种信号功能?女性精湛的仙女((Malurus cyaneus)中歌曲和紫外线羽化着色的重要性



Showy ornaments are considered as outcomes of sexual selection processes. They provide a “badge of status” to impress conspecific rivals or potential mating partners. Single ornaments may signal attractiveness or individual quality, yet many species display multiple ornaments. There are several hypotheses that explain the existence of multiple ornaments, suggesting that different ornaments serve as different information sources. They may provide either additive or redundant information on the same quality traits, or are simply evolutionary leftovers with no further relevant information. Although females of many species display elaborated traits, most studies regarding multiple ornaments focus on males. However, given that in many species females also display multiple ornaments, the question about their functional significance arises. To understand the existence of female multiple ornaments we investigated ornamental features of female Superb Fairy-wrens (Malurus cyaneus), focusing on song and variation in plumage characteristics. Female Superb Fairy-wrens produce complex solo songs, for territorial defense, and have bright blue tail feathers. We examined the relationships between song and plumage coloration characteristics in relation to female quality parameters to investigate whether, and to what extent existing hypotheses on multiple ornaments in males may also apply to females. Based on song recordings and spectrometric measurements of UV-coloration of tail feathers, we derived a series of different song and plumage parameters. Our results indicate interrelationships between the song length (total number of elements in female song) and female body size, but not UV-coloration. Interestingly, song complexity (number of different elements in female song) did not correlate with morphological parameters, UV-Chroma and song length respectively. This suggests that i) song and plumage characteristics evolved independently and ii) even within one trait, namely song, multiple signalling should be considered. To our knowledge, this is the first study investigating multiple traits in female songbirds, raising the idea that multiple signalling of sexually selected traits is not restricted to males only.
机译:艳丽的装饰品被视为性选择过程的结果。它们提供了“身份证明”,以打动特定的竞争对手或潜在的交配伙伴。单个饰品可能会发出吸引力或个性化的信号,但许多物种会展示多个饰品。有几种假设可以解释多个装饰物的存在,这表明不同的装饰物可以用作不同的信息源。它们可以提供关于相同质量性状的附加信息或冗余信息,或者仅仅是没有更多相关信息的进化遗留物。尽管许多物种的雌性都表现出精致的特征,但有关多重装饰的大多数研究都集中在雄性上。但是,考虑到在许多物种中,雌性也展示出多种装饰品,因此就产生了有关其功能重要性的问题。为了了解女性多重装饰物的存在,我们研究了雌性Superb Fairy-wrens(Malurus cyaneus)的装饰特征,重点是歌曲和羽毛特征的变化。女高超的仙女wr制作复杂的独奏歌曲,用于领土防御,并有明亮的蓝色尾羽。我们研究了与女性质量参数相关的歌曲和羽毛着色特征之间的关系,以调查男性多饰物上的现有假设是否以及在多大程度上适用于女性。基于歌曲录音和尾羽UV着色的光谱测量,我们得出了一系列不同的歌曲和羽毛参数。我们的结果表明歌曲长度(女性歌曲中元素的总数)与女性身体大小之间的相互关系,而与UV着色无关。有趣的是,歌曲复杂度(女性歌曲中不同元素的数量)与形态参数,UV-色度和歌曲长度分别不相关。这表明:i)歌曲和羽毛的特征是独立发展的; ii)即使在一个特征(即歌曲)内,也应考虑多种信号。据我们所知,这是首次调查雌性鸣鸟多重性状的研究,提出了一种观点,即性选择性状的多种信号不仅限于雄性。



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