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Review of The Middle West: Its Meaning in American Culture, by James R. Shortridge

机译:詹姆斯·R·肖特里奇(James R.Shortridge)评介《中东:在美国文化中的意义》



James R. Shortridge has cheerfully pursued the will-o'-the-wisp of trying to describe the "idea" of the Middle West in a book that was given the prestigious John Brinckerhoff Jackson Prize of the Association of American Geographers in 1990. He argues that a careful reading of the kinds of popular publications that are indexed in the Renders' Guide to Periodical Literantre can reveal the personality and image of the region, what it originally meant to Americans, and how this meaning has changed. over time. Attempts to find meaning in places and things currently seem to be fashionable. Such efforts can be entertaining mental exercises, but all too often they tell us more about the author and his or her mindset than they tell us about the place or thing.
机译:詹姆斯·R·肖特里奇(James R. Shortridge)乐于追求那种试图形容中西部思想的意志,该书在1990年获得了美国地理学家协会(John Geoinchoff)杰克逊·杰克逊·杰克逊(John Brinckerhoff)杰克逊奖。他认为,仔细阅读《 Renders'Journal of Literantre》的索引中所列出的各种流行出版物,可以揭示该地区的个性和形象,它最初对美国人的意义以及这种含义的变化。随着时间的推移。尝试在当前似乎很流行的地方和事物中寻找意义。这种努力可能是娱乐性的脑力锻炼,但与告诉我们有关地点或事物的信息相比,它们经常告诉我们有关作者及其思想观念的更多信息。



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