首页> 外文期刊>Geografski Vestnik - Geographical Bulletin >Odnos do trajnostnega razvoja in viri znanja o trajnostnem razvoju ?tudentov geografije v Sloveniji // Attitude towards sustainable development and sources of knowledge of sustainable development among geography students in Slovenia

Odnos do trajnostnega razvoja in viri znanja o trajnostnem razvoju ?tudentov geografije v Sloveniji // Attitude towards sustainable development and sources of knowledge of sustainable development among geography students in Slovenia




Prispevek predstavlja rezultate raziskave o odnosu in virih znanja o trajnostnem razvoju (TR) ?tudentov geografije na vseh treh javnih univerzah v Sloveniji. Na spletno anketo je odgovorilo 175 ?tudentov oziroma 34 % populacije prvi? vpisanih ?tudentov geografije na prvi in drugi stopnji v ?tudijskem letu 2016/2017. Dve tretjini ?tudentov menita, da je njihova predstava o TR dobra. Tisti, ki vi?je vrednotijo lastno poznavanje TR, mu hkrati pripisujejo ve?ji pomen in menijo, da so njegove vsebine bolj povezane s ?tudijem. Rezultati ka?ejo, da znanje o trajnostnem razvoju ve?inoma pridobivajo s formalnim izobra?evanjem, vendar pa nismo dokazali, da bi dele? od za?etka do zaklju?ka ?tudija statisti?no zna?ilno nara??al. Pri?akovano so, po mnenju ?tudentov, med predmeti ?tudijskih programov s TR najbolj povezani tisti, kjer je ?e iz imena predmeta pri?akovati vsebine o TR. Najve? razli?nih predmetov so navedli ?tudenti Univerze v Ljubljani, najbolj enakomerno pa so navedbe razporedili ?tudenti Univerze na Primorskem.?The paper presents the results of the survey conducted among geography students of all three public universities in Slovenia regarding their attitude towards sustainable development (SD) and sources of knowledge of SD. 175 students or 34% of the geography students population of first and second cycles in the study year 2016/2017 answered to online questionnaire. Two thirds of them assessed their knowledge of SD as good. Those, who assessed their knowledge of SD being higher, simultaneously think that SD is more important and that its contents is more incorporated into theirs’ study. Students gained most of their respective knowledge through formal education. However, we have not proven that the ratio of knowledge gained by formal education statistically significant increases from the beginning to the end of the studies. Not surprisingly, according to the students’ opinion the greatest connectedness with the SD have those courses where it can be concluded from their names that they are strongly connected with the SD contents. The biggest list of different courses was reported by students of the University of Ljubljana, the most uniformly distributed list of different courses is characteristic for students of the University of Primorska.
机译:本文介绍了对斯洛文尼亚所有三所公立大学的地理专业学生的可持续发展(TR)的关系和知识来源进行的调查的结果。 175名学生回答了在线调查,占人口总数的34%。在2016/2017学年的第一和第二年级招收地理学生。三分之二的学生认为他们对TR的看法很好。那些更珍惜自己对TR的知识的人,同时也更加重视它,并认为其内容与研究更加相关。结果表明,有关可持续发展的知识大多是通过正规教育获得的,但我们尚未证明从研究开始到结论均在统计上明显增加。正如学生所预期的那样,与TR相关的学习计划中联系最紧密的科目是可以从科目名称中预期到TR内容的科目。最大的?这些学生介绍了斯洛文尼亚所有三所公立大学的地理专业学生对可持续发展态度的调查结果。 (SD)和SD的知识来源。在2016/2017学习年度的第一和第二个周期中,有175名学生或地理学生人口的34%回答了在线问卷。其中三分之二的人认为他们对SD的知识很好。那些评估自己对SD的了解更高的人,同时认为SD更重要,并且其内容也更多地纳入了他们的学习。学生通过正规教育获得了各自的大部分知识。但是,我们尚未证明正规教育所获得的知识比例从研究开始到结束在统计学上都显着增加。毫不奇怪,根据学生的观点,与SD的最大联系是那些可以从他们的名字得出的结论,即他们与SD内容密切相关的课程。卢布尔雅那大学的学生报告了最多的不同课程列表,不同课程的列表中分布最均匀的是Primorska大学的学生的特征。



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