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Lebenswelt, Leiblichkeit und Resonanz: Eine raumph?nomenologisch-rekonstruktive Perspektive auf Geographien der Allt?glichkeit




This article aims to explore the potential of Alfred Schütz' sociological phenomenology for spatial phenomena and its integration into human geography. Although the influence and productivity of phenomenology in general could contribute significantly to shed light on spatial phenomena of the life-world, such as a progressive sense of place (Massey, 1993), transnationalities (Pries, 2001), socio-spatial atmospheres (Hasse, 2017), “home” and encounters (Seamon, 1979, 2014), enforced life(s) in refugee camps and others, it has never become a major strand of contemporary (German speaking) human geography. According to Hasse (2017) phenomenology has even remained almost absent in geographical research. In contrast to this proposition, the analytically endorsed and empirically examined theorems of phenomenology have recently been challenged by “post-phenomenology” and “non-representational theory”. These approaches raise – though both argumentatively and empirically unproven – their voice against pretended limitations of “classical” phenomenology in arguing with “imagined” limits of meaning and understanding. Irrespective of these developments, we would like to refer to the analytical and methodological stringency of approaches that arise from the rich tradition of phenomenology and emphasize their still largely untapped potential for human geography by suggesting a “Leib”-based approach rooted in reconstructive methodologies to analyse the various spatial phenomena of the life-world.
机译:本文旨在探讨阿尔弗雷德·舒茨(AlfredSchütz)的社会学现象学在空间现象及其与人文地理学融合中的潜力。尽管现象学的影响和生产力通常可以极大地帮助人们了解生活世界的空间现象,例如渐进的场所感(Massey,1993),跨国性(Pries,2001),社会空间氛围(Hasse (2017年),“家”和遭遇(Seamon,1979年,2014年),难民营和其他地方的强制性生活,它从未成为当代(德语)人文地理学的主要内容。根据Hasse(2017)的研究,现象学在地理研究中甚至几乎不存在。与此命题相反,最近通过“后现象学”和“非代表性理论”对现象学的分析认可和经验检验定理提出了挑战。这些方法提出了反对“古典”现象学假装局限性的声音(尽管在理论上和经验上均未得到证实),它们在争论意义和理解的“想象中”局限性时争论不休。无论这些进展如何,我们都希望提及源自现象学的丰富传统的方法的分析和方法学上的严格性,并通过建议一种基于“莱布”的方法,将其植根于重建方法论中,从而强调其在人类地理学上仍未开发的潜力。分析生活世界的各种空间现象。



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