首页> 外文期刊>Exchanges: The Warwick Research Journal >Beauty Queens and Hindu Militants: Indian Women’s Negotiation with Neoliberalism and Hindu Nationalism

Beauty Queens and Hindu Militants: Indian Women’s Negotiation with Neoliberalism and Hindu Nationalism




Through a review of the 2012 documentary film The World before Her directed by Nisha Pahuja, this article provides a critical reflection on how neoliberal governmentality appropriates women’s bodies and subjectivities in two women’s boot camps in India: the Miss India contest and the Hindu militant Durga Vahini camp. Studies on appropriation of women’s bodies in the neoliberal ideology of the market and in varied religious ideologies have generated rich feminist insights into the structures of women’s oppression across the world. Feminist academic research has traditionally looked at market- and religion-based oppressions separately. In this critical reflection we articulate how women’s bodies get incorporated into the service of varied ideologies, namely neoliberal capitalism and religious fundamentalism, through processes of ritualisation, responsibilisation and subjectivation. Drawing on the shared elements of neoliberal (capitalism) and Hindutwa (Hindu fundamentalism) ideological projects, this article proposes a renewed analysis of the location of women in various ideological projects and the nature of women’s negotiation of these power structures or women’s agency within these structures.
机译:通过回顾由尼莎·帕胡亚(Nisha Pahuja)执导的2012年纪录片电影《面前的世界》,这篇文章对新自由主义政府如何在印度的两个女性新兵训练营中恰当地利用了女性的身体和主观性进行了批判性反思:印度小姐竞赛和印度教激进分子杜尔加·瓦希尼(Durga Vahini)营。在市场的新自由主义意识形态和各种宗教意识形态中侵占妇女尸体的研究,产生了对世界各地妇女压迫结构的丰富女权主义见解。女权主义的学术研究传统上是分别研究基于市场和宗教的压迫。在这种批判性反思中,我们阐明了妇女的身体如何通过仪式化,责任化和主观化的过程融入新自由主义资本主义和宗教原教旨主义等各种意识形态的服务中。本文利用新自由主义(资本主义)和兴都瓦(印度原教旨主义)意识形态项目的共同要素,对妇女在各种意识形态项目中的位置以及妇女在这些权力结构或妇女机构中的谈判性质进行了重新分析。 。



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