首页> 外文期刊>European Journal of Business and Management >The Effect of Tourism Service Quality, Tourist Destination Image and Experience of Tourist towards Tourists Satisfaction, Tourism Word of Mount, Tourist Destination Preferences, and Tourist Destination Loyalty (A Study on Foreign Tourists in Tourist Desti

The Effect of Tourism Service Quality, Tourist Destination Image and Experience of Tourist towards Tourists Satisfaction, Tourism Word of Mount, Tourist Destination Preferences, and Tourist Destination Loyalty (A Study on Foreign Tourists in Tourist Desti




This study aims to examine the concept of Tourism marketing in the perspective of foreign tourists in three Tourist Destination Area in Indonesia, namelyKepulauan Riau, North Sumatra, and East Nusa Tenggara. The study also seeks to develop concepts and models of Tourism Word of Mouth. The results of this study showthat there are Tourism marketing strategies in the context of improving Tourism service quality, formation oftravel destinations image, creation and fulfillment of touristexperience and satisfaction; all of those are antecedent forming word of mouth which finally will directly or indirectly affect tourist behavior related to destination preferenceand decision to show loyalty to touristdestinations in Indonesia. Keywords: tourism service quality, travel destinations image, tourist experience, tourist satisfaction, tourism word of mouth, tourist destination preferences, tourist destination loyalty



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