首页> 外文期刊>European Journal of Bioethics >Bioethical analysis of the United Nations Declaration on Human Cloning

Bioethical analysis of the United Nations Declaration on Human Cloning




Th e author analyzes in his work the process of negotiating and beginning of the United Nations Declaration on Human Cloning as well as the paragraphs of the very Declaration. The negotiation was originally conceived as a clear bioethical debate that should have led to a general agreement to ban human cloning. However, more often it had been discussed about human rights, cultural, civil and religious differences between people and about priorities incase of eventual conflicts between diff erent value systems. In the end, a non-binding Declaration on Human Cloning had been adopted, full of numerous conpromises and ambiguous formulations, that relativized the original intention of proposer states. In author’s opinion it would have been better if bioethical discussion and eventual regulations on cloning mentioned in the following text had been left over to certain professional bodies, and only after the public had been fully informed about it should relevant supranational organizations have taken that into consideration.
机译:作者在工作中分析了《联合国人类克隆宣言》及其宣言各段的谈判和开始过程。谈判最初被认为是一场明确的生物伦理学辩论,应该导致达成一项禁止人类克隆的普遍协议。但是,关于人权,文化,公民和宗教之间的差异以及在不同价值体系之间最终发生冲突时的优先事项的讨论更多。最后,通过了一项不具约束力的《人类克隆宣言》,其中充满了许多许诺和模棱两可的表述,使提议国的初衷得以相对化。作者认为,最好将以下文本中提到的有关克隆的生物伦理学讨论和最终法规留给某些专业机构,并且只有在公众充分了解后,相关的超国家组织才应考虑到这一点。 。



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