首页> 外文期刊>European Journal of Bioethics >New Reachable Horizons in the Fritz Jahr's Bioethical Imperative

New Reachable Horizons in the Fritz Jahr's Bioethical Imperative

机译:弗里茨·贾尔(Fritz Jahr)生物伦理学当务之急的新可达到视野



The present paper traces the scientific and Christian theological climate that led to the coining of the new word “ bioethics ” by the German Christian pastor Rev. Fritz Jahr in 1926. Miller and Professor Hans-Martin Sass’s English translation of Rev. Jahr’s works were used. There are a total of 22 Rev. Jahr’s thought-provoking original articles which were grouped into four major categories: (i) Ethics and Bioethics (ii) Radical Christian Theology and Bioethical Imperatives (iii) Sexual Ethics and (iv) Philosophy of Life and Death. Coining of the word “biotechnology” in 1917 precedes the word bioethics by ten years. The paper details significant advancement in science as well as the rise of moral issues. Significantly, within a short span of 10 years the influence of the power of science was such that the moral -width of Rev. Jahr’s society began to shrink to that extent that it disturbed him to coin a new word “Bioethics” to counter-balance the fast moral degradation. Rev. Jahr identified three contributing factors for moral defacement. Steinach’s gonad transplant experiments and Theologian F.D.E. Schleiermacher’s radical views of Christianity may have caused the moral crisis in his society resulting in the prevalence of syphilis. Jahr’s threefold bioethical imperative model of – Life, value and education – has been considered. A new educational policy of Life Oriented Value Education (love) has been suggested so as to revive social and moral values.
机译:本文追溯了导致1926年德国基督教牧师弗里茨·贾尔牧师(Rev. Fritz Jahr)创造了新词“生物伦理学”的科学和基督教神学氛围。米勒和汉斯·马丁·萨斯(Hans-Martin Sass)教授使用了贾尔牧师的英文译本。 。共有22篇贾尔牧师的发人深省的原创文章,分为四大类:(i)伦理学和生物伦理学(ii)激进的基督教神学和生物伦理学命令(iii)性伦理学和(iv)生命哲学和死亡。 1917年“生物技术”一词的产生要比生物伦理学这个词早十年。本文详细介绍了科学的重大进步以及道德问题的兴起。值得注意的是,在短短的10年间,科学力量的影响如此之大,以至于Jahr牧师所在社会的道德宽度开始缩小到一定程度,以至于他打乱了一个新词“ Bioethics”以抵消平衡快速的道德沦丧。贾尔牧师确定了造成道德败坏的三个因素。 Steinach的性腺移植实验和神学家F.D.E.施莱尔马赫(Schleiermacher)对基督教的激进观点可能在他的社会中引发了道德危机,导致梅毒流行。贾尔(Jahr)提出了生命,价值和教育的三重生物伦理势在必行模型。为了恢复社会和道德价值,人们提出了一种新的人生取向价值教育(爱)教育政策。



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