首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research >The Differences Ability In Writing Descriptive Texts By Using Chain Writing And Conventional Methods

The Differences Ability In Writing Descriptive Texts By Using Chain Writing And Conventional Methods




The purpose of this study was to determine the differences ability in writing descriptive texts by using chain writing and conventional methods at Class VII of State Junior High School Mulyoharjo, Musi Rawas Regency. The research method used was pure experimental methods with the design of the difference test between two free samples or independent t-test. Data collection techniques used were test techniques with the type of test writing description text. Data analysis techniques were done with the following steps: grading scores, calculating students' average scores, homogeneity tests, data normality tests, and hypothesis testing assisted with SPSS 20. The results of the study showed that there were significant differences ability in writing descriptive text between chain writing and conventional methods at Class VII of State Junior High School Mulyoharjo, Musi Rawas Regency. This was indicated by the value of Sig. (2-tailed) two-way by the score of 0,000 0.05, so that Ho was rejected and H1 was accepted, then the hypothesis was accepted or the average of students’ ability in writing descriptive texts by using chain writing method was higher than conventional methods Class VII of State Junior High School Mulyoharjo, Musi Rawas Regency.
机译:这项研究的目的是通过使用国立国立初中穆里哈哈霍(Musi Rawas Regency)七班学生使用链式书写和传统方法来确定书写说明文字的差异能力。使用的研究方法是纯实验方法,设计了两个免费样品之间的差异测试或独立的t检验。所使用的数据收集技术是具有测试文字描述文本类型的测试技术。数据分析技术按以下步骤进行:评分,计算学生的平均分数,同质性测试,数据正态性测试和SPSS 20辅助的假设测试。研究结果表明,撰写描述性文字的能力存在显着差异在Musi Rawas Regency州立国立中学Mulyoharjo的VII类学习链写和传统方法之间。这由Sig的值表示。 (2尾)双向,以0,000 <0.05的分数表示,因此拒绝Ho并接受H1,然后接受假设或学生使用链式写作方法撰写描述性文本的平均能力高于常规方法穆西拉瓦斯摄政州立初中Mulyoharjo的VII类。



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