首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Sport and Health Science >A Study of How Teachers' Beliefs Affect the Experiences and Professional Development of Physical Education Teachers: Composition and Function of Their Image of What a Teacher is and Vocational Beliefs*

A Study of How Teachers' Beliefs Affect the Experiences and Professional Development of Physical Education Teachers: Composition and Function of Their Image of What a Teacher is and Vocational Beliefs*




The professional development of a physical education (PE) teacher occurs within a variety of experiences that become resources for the teacher to learn from. However, to gain experience does not necessarily mean development. Development through learning by experience is influenced by the beliefs that the person has. The purpose of this study was to determine the composition and function of PE teacher beliefs—especially “image of what a teacher is” and “vocational beliefs” that influence their professional development. In addition, we classified PE teachers by their beliefs, and examined their development status with a focus on the relevance of receptivity to growth experiences for changing a teacher's ideals. A questionnaire survey was conducted. Data were collected from a sample of 634 junior high school and high school PE teachers. The main findings are summarized below.?1) Factor analysis of data revealed that the PE teachers' image of what a teacher is comprised 4 factors: “leader,” “supervisor,” “supporter of learning,” and “team member”, and vocational beliefs comprised 7 factors: “emphasizing public values,” “self-actualization,” “pursuit of pioneering teaching practices,” “emphasizing students,” “professional exclusiveness,” “exercise of autonomy,” and “research orientation.”?2) The teachers were classified by image of what a teacher is into 2 types: “supervisor” and “supporter”. The teachers were classified by vocational beliefs into 5 types: “self-actualization,” “emphasizing students,” “open-minded beliefs,” “self-righteous,” and “close-minded beliefs.” The ratios of young teachers classified into “supervisor” and “emphasizing students” were significantly larger than that of experienced teachers. The ratios of experienced teachers classified into “supporter,” “self-actualization,” and “self-righteous” were significantly larger than that of young teachers.?3) Factor analysis of data revealed that receptivity to growth experiences comprised 5 factors: “reflecting on teaching practice,” “knowledge acquisition,” “conversing with fellow teachers,” “observing and opening up one's own teaching practices,” and “hard experiences.” Experienced teachers were more passive in their experiences, except “knowledge acquisition”, than younger teachers. For more experienced teachers, having positive experiences was more effective for changing ideals.?4) Teachers classified as the “open-minded beliefs” type were more willing to experience a variety of things than the “close-minded beliefs” type teachers. Regression analysis of data revealed that “emphasizing public values,” “pursuit of pioneering teaching practices,” and “research orientation” correlated significantly and positively with experience. But “professional exclusiveness,” “exercise of autonomy” and years of service correlated significantly and negatively with experience.
机译:体育(PE)老师的专业发展发生在多种经验中,这些经验成为教师学习的资源。但是,获得经验并不一定意味着发展。通过经验学习来发展,会受到人的信念的影响。这项研究的目的是确定体育教师信念的构成和功能,尤其是影响其职业发展的“教师形象”和“职业信念”。此外,我们根据体育教师的信仰对他们进行了分类,并考察了他们的发展状况,重点是对成长经历的接受度与改变教师理想的相关性。进行了问卷调查。数据是从634名初中和高中体育教师的样本中收集的。主要发现如下:1)数据因素分析表明体育教师对教师的形象由四个因素组成:“领导者”,“主管”,“学习支持者”和“团队成员”,职业信仰包含7个因素:“强调公共价值”,“自我实现”,“追求开创性的教学实践”,“强调学生”,“职业排他性”,“自主权”和“研究导向”。 2)根据教师的形象将教师分为两种类型:“主管”和“支持者”。根据职业信念,将教师分为五类:“自我实现”,“强调学生”,“思想开放”,“自以为是”和“思想开放”。分为“主管”和“强调学生”的年轻教师比例明显高于经验丰富的教师。经验丰富的教师被划分为“支持者”,“自我实现”和“自以为是”的比例显着高于年轻教师。3)数据的因素分析显示,对成长经历的接受度包括五个因素:反思教学实践,“知识获取”,“与其他老师交谈”,“观察和开放自己的教学实践”和“辛勤经验”。除“知识获取”外,经验丰富的老师比年轻老师更被动。对于经验丰富的教师而言,拥有积极的经验对于改变观念更为有效。?4)被归类为“思想开放型”的教师比“思想开放型”的教师更愿意体验各种事物。对数据的回归分析显示,“强调公共价值”,“追求开创性的教学实践”和“研究导向”与经验显着正相关。但是,“专业排他性”,“行使自主权”和服务年限与经验显着负相关。



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