首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology >Case study of construction quality control monitoring and strength evaluation of a lateritic pavement using the dynamic cone penetrometer

Case study of construction quality control monitoring and strength evaluation of a lateritic pavement using the dynamic cone penetrometer




In this study, the quality and strength of unstabilized lateritic pavement layers of a 14?km single carriageway road under construction in Minna, Nigeria were measured and monitored by the Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) test in conjunction with standard laboratory testing of bulk and cored samples taken from designated sections. Atterberg’s limit tests revealed high liquid limits as well as plasticity index values at some sections in the sub-base layer. The dynamic cone penetrometer index (DCPI) values for the subgrade layer ranged from 3?mm/blow to 10?mm/blow whereas, DCPI values for the sub-base layer were observed to remain within a range of 5?mm/blow to 16?mm/blow. It was also found that good correlation similar to those developed by other researchers exists between CBR and DCPI values. However, comparison between the correlations by Transport Research Laboratory (TRL) and the one developed in this study showed that for both subgrade and sub-base layers, the new equation predicts slightly lower CBR than the TRL model. From the laboratory evaluation of soil samples, the subgrade CBR values ranged from 27 to 74% which qualify as good to excellent subgrade materials whereas the sub-base CBR varied from 15 to 50% and are rated as poor to good sub-base.
机译:在这项研究中,通过动态锥孔渗透仪(DCP)测试结合标准的散装和带芯实验室测试,对尼日利亚正在建设的14公里长的单车道道路上不稳定的红土路面层的质量和强度进行了监测。从指定部分取样。 Atterberg的极限测试表明,在底层层某些部分,液体极限含量较高,并且可塑性指数值较高。路基层的动态锥形透度计指数(DCPI)值在3?mm /吹到10?mm /吹之间,而基层的DCPI值保持在5?mm /吹到5?mm /吹之间。 16毫米/吹还发现在CBR和DCPI值之间存在与其他研究人员相似的良好相关性。但是,运输研究实验室(TRL)与本研究开发的相关性之间的比较表明,对于路基和基层,新方程式预测的CBR比TRL模型略低。根据对土壤样品的实验室评估,路基CBR值介于27%到74%之间,可以评定为优良至优良的路基材料,而路基CBR值介于15%至50%之间,并被评定为差至良好的路基。



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