首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Business and Management >Power and Discipline: The Role of Accounting in the Monte di Pietà of Ravenna between 18th and 19th Centuries

Power and Discipline: The Role of Accounting in the Monte di Pietà of Ravenna between 18th and 19th Centuries

机译:权力与纪律:会计在18世纪至19世纪之间在Ravenna的Monte diPietà中的作用



This paper aims to fill a gap in the scant literature on accounting practices in non-Anglo-Saxon countries in under- researched periods by exploring the Monte di Pietà of Ravenna, an Italian non-profit institution. The research draws upon original 18supth/sup and 19supth/sup century documents found in the Monte di Pietà of Ravenna and offers an internal perspective of the development of accounting technology before and after an ‘intacco’ episode, thus attempting to shed light on the significance of accounting in that context. The originality of the Ravenna episode, compared to other similar ones experienced by Monti, consists in its extension over time and in its recurrence by three generations of administrators linked by kinship bonds, who systematically damaged the Monte between 1797 and 1837. The new form of control of the Monte’s activities after the “intacco” based on accounting technologies, and realised a new relation between power and knowledge in which accounting was the tool to exercise disciplinary power, thus making people more governable. Accounting technologies relied upon a more articulated financial statement that included the institute’s transactions and events.
机译:本文旨在通过研究意大利非营利机构拉文纳的蒙特迪皮塔(Monte diPietà),填补研究期不足的非盎格鲁-撒克逊国家会计实践文献的空白。该研究借鉴了拉文纳(Ravenna)的蒙特迪皮塔(Monte diPietà)发现的18世纪原始文档和19世纪原始文档,并提供了有关“ intacco情节,因此试图阐明这种情况下会计的重要性。与Monti经历的其他类似事件相比,Ravenna情节的独创性在于其随着时间的延长和由亲属纽带联系的三代管理员的复发,他们在1797年至1837年间系统性地破坏了Monte。在基于会计技术的“ intacco”之后对Monte的活动进行控制,并实现了权力与知识之间的新关系,其中会计是行使纪律权力的工具,从而使人们更具统治力。会计技术依赖于更加明确的财务报表,其中包括研究所的交易和事件。



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