首页> 外文期刊>International journal of high dilution research >Dance and Science: an analysis of the creative process behind ?¢a???“Transitions?¢a????, a show by Contemporary Dance Company of UFRJ

Dance and Science: an analysis of the creative process behind ?¢a???“Transitions?¢a????, a show by Contemporary Dance Company of UFRJ

机译:舞蹈与科学:UFRJ当代舞蹈公司的展览“ ¢ a”“过渡” behinda背后的创作过程分析



This study proposes an esthetic reflection on the influence of the biological sciences on dance as a variety of contemporary art. The relationship between science and art in this study is grounded on Fran???§ois Dagognet?¢a??a?¢s hyperphenomenology, particularly his representation of the major role played by the image-symbol as essential base of present-day scientific activity [1]. Contemporary dance creators and companies such as Wayne Mac Gregor, Phylobolus Dance Company and Liz Lerman Dance Exchange are analyzed, in order to highlight how some biosciences themes are explored as creative potentials in their dance performances [2,3,4]. We aim at relating biological shapes and patterns existing in the cellular and molecular universe with the fundamentals of dance described by Helenita SEarp. Earp?¢a??a?¢s conception posits dance as wide-scoped knowledge, including a ?¢a???“science of dance?¢a??? where intuition works as basic foundation and its epistemology is made of an open type of knowledge named ?¢a???“dance parameters?¢a???, namely motion, space, shape, dynamics and time. These parameters allow establishing access points for multiple connections within the realm of dance. This approach tends to generate a kind of access to body actions stimulating interdisciplinarity between several areas of knowledge [4]. As study-case, we focus methodologically on the processes of esthetic creation involved in the production of a multimedia show entitled ?¢a???“Transitions?¢a??? by appealing to biochemical notions, especially some features of cytology and cellular morphology, cell proliferation and processes of cellular transportation [5].
机译:这项研究提出了对生物学作为当代各种舞蹈艺术的影响的美学反思。这项研究中科学与艺术之间的关系是建立在弗朗索瓦·达格涅特(Franois Dagognet)的超现象学基础上的,特别是他对图像符号作为当今重要基础的主要作用的表示。科学活动[1]。分析了当代舞蹈创作者和公司,例如Wayne Mac Gregor,Phylobolus舞蹈公司和Liz Lerman舞蹈交流,以强调如何在舞蹈表演中探索一些生物科学主题作为创造潜力[2,3,4]。我们的目标是将细胞和分子宇宙中存在的生物形状和样式与Helenita SEarp描述的舞蹈基本原理联系起来。厄普(Earp)的概念将舞蹈视为广泛的知识,其中包括“舞蹈科学”。直觉是基础的基础,其认识论是由一种称为“舞蹈参数”的开放型知识构成的,即运动,空间,形状,动力学和时间。这些参数允许在舞蹈领域内为多个连接建立访问点。这种方法往往会产生一种接触身体行为的途径,从而刺激多个知识领域之间的交叉学科[4]。作为研究案例,我们在方法论上着重于涉及创作名为“ ¢ a”“ Transitions” ¢ a ???的多媒体节目的审美创造过程。通过吸引生化概念,尤其是细胞学和细胞形态,细胞增殖和细胞运输过程的某些特征[5]。



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