首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Dharma Studies >Is South Asia’s Buddhist Leader the Gyalwang Drukpa an Ecofeminist? Dialectical, Grounded Analysis of Eminent Feminist Theology Illuminates the Foundations for a Vajrayana Buddhist Ecofeminism

Is South Asia’s Buddhist Leader the Gyalwang Drukpa an Ecofeminist? Dialectical, Grounded Analysis of Eminent Feminist Theology Illuminates the Foundations for a Vajrayana Buddhist Ecofeminism

机译:南亚的佛教领袖Gyalwang Drukpa是生态女性主义者吗?杰出女性主义神学的辩证扎实分析为金刚乘佛教生态女性主义奠定了基础



His Holiness the 12th Gyalwang Drukpa (“the Drukpa”) is the spiritual head of the Drukpa lineage of Tibetan Buddhism, a Vajrayāna and Mahāyāna tradition of Buddhism dating back to the life of its founder, Tsangpa Gya-re a (1161–1211). The Gyalwang Drukpa is distinguished by his systemic support of both Buddhist nuns and the environ- ment over the past decade, and his efforts have been recognized by the United Nations, the Government of India, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, and others b. Under what circumstances, if any, could the Drukpa be legitimately characterized as an ecofeminist?
机译:第十二届Gyalwang Drukpa尊者(“ Drukpa”)是藏传佛教Drukpa世系的精神领袖,这是金刚乘和摩ā乘那佛教的传统,可追溯至其创始人曾巴·迦勒(Tsangpa Gya-re a,1161-1112) 。 Gyalwang Drukpa的杰出之处在于,过去十年来他对佛教修女和环境的系统支持,他的努力得到了联合国,印度政府,斯里兰卡,不丹及其他国家的认可。在什么情况下(如果有的话)Drukpa可以合法地归类为生态女性主义者?



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