首页> 外文期刊>Information Technology Journal >Design Matlab Network Virtual Experimental System Based on Asp.Net and MATLAB Builder Ne

Design Matlab Network Virtual Experimental System Based on Asp.Net and MATLAB Builder Ne

机译:基于Asp.Net和MATLAB Builder Ne的Matlab网络虚拟实验系统设计。



Using MATLAB compiler component module, combined with ASP.NET to build a remote service, establish a network of virtual experimental system. Application of MATLAB Builder NE compiler component module, including the compiled M-file into a .NET components and used the compiled .NET components in the ASP.NET environment, combined with .NET component calls technology made the calculation of the M-file program are displayed in the WEB page. Graphics of MATLAB in ASP.NET controls WebFigureControl application can intuitive results of MATLAB graphics embedded in the page to display. Users can through a browser and through the way of input parameters to dynamic invocation remote services to call MATLAB functions perform computational analysis and output the results on the WEB, provide a new teaching and learning environment for the experimental teaching.
机译:利用MATLAB编译器组件模块,结合ASP.NET来构建远程服务,建立一个虚拟实验系统网络。 MATLAB Builder NE编译器组件模块的应用,包括将已编译的M文件转换为.NET组件,并在ASP.NET环境中使用已编译的.NET组件,并结合.NET组件调用技术进行了M文件程序的计算在WEB页面中显示。 ASP.NET控件中的MATLAB图形WebFigureControl应用程序可以直观地将嵌入在页面中的MATLAB图形结果显示出来。用户可以通过浏览器并通过向动态调用远程服务输入参数的方式来调用MATLAB函数执行计算分析并将结果输出到WEB上,为实验教学提供了新的教学环境。



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