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The Platonic and Aristotelian Mimetic Paradigms In Light of Gans and Heidegger




The creation of independent esthetic institutions reflects the emergence of the esthetic as adiscovery procedure for human self-understanding. The classical is the first historicalesthetic because it opens the history of art as an independent vehicle of anthropologicalknowledge. (132)Esthetic institutions do not, of course, emerge sui generis, but out of thecontext of pre-classical ritual culture, with its intricate interweaving of military, religious,political, and economic institutions. The question of the place of esthetic practices andinstitutions within the Greek polis becomes a contested issue in Plato and Aristotle, one thatis recognized in their work as raising fundamental questions for political and ethical life.What is more, art practices and traditions occupy cultural territory within which thepractice of philosophy must define and articulate itself as a form, at least in part, of estheticpractice in its generic function as reflection. That a dedicated discourse of reflection isneeded is one of the most persistent themes of Plato’s work, from the earliest to the latestdialogues. That this discourse of dedicated reflection and inquiry should receive the namephilosophy, the love of wisdom, rather than simply sophia, wisdom itself, is frequentlytouched on, for instance, at the conclusion of Phaedrus.
机译:建立独立的审美机构反映了审美作为人类自我理解的发现程序的出现。古典是第一种历史美学,因为它开启了作为人类学知识的独立载体的艺术史。 (132)审美机构当然不是专门产生的,而是出于前古典仪式文化的背景,它与军事,宗教,政治和经济机构错综复杂地交织在一起。在柏拉图和亚里士多德之间,审美行为和制度在希腊大都市中的位置问题成为一个有争议的问题,这在他们的工作中被认为是对政治和道德生活提出了基本问题。此外,艺术实践和传统占据了该地区的文化领域哲学的实践必须以其作为反思的一般功能,至少部分地将其定义和阐明为审美实践的一种形式。从最早的对话到最新的对话,柏拉图作品中最持久的主题之一就是需要反思的专门讨论。例如,在《法德斯》(Phaedrus)的著作中,经常谈到这种专注于反思和探究的话语应该接受哲学的名称,即对智慧的热爱,而不是单纯地对智慧本身的索非亚。



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