首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Nursing Science >Assessment of Quality of Antenatal Care (ANC) Service Provision Among Pregnant Women in Ambo Town Public Health Institution, Ambo, Ethiopia, 2013

Assessment of Quality of Antenatal Care (ANC) Service Provision Among Pregnant Women in Ambo Town Public Health Institution, Ambo, Ethiopia, 2013




Introduction: Antenatal care refers to care given to pregnant women so that they have safe pregnancy and healthy baby. Improving the quality of ANC and other reproductive health services has been shown to increase uptake of services and reduce the number of adverse maternal health outcomes. There is a limited attempt to measure the quality of ANC services in Ethiopia. Although, the coverage of ANC services has improved in the last few years, the quality of the services has remained comparatively low. The objective of the study is to assess quality of antenatal care services provision in governmental health institution. Methods: Institutional based descriptive cross-sectional study design was employed from October 23, 2013 to December 30, 2013. A pretested and semi structured questionnaire via interview was used to collect quantitative data from 288 pregnant women and in-depth interview of focal person at facility level to collect the qualitative data. The collected data was entered &analyzed using SPSS version 16.0. Results: Overall 256 (89%) of clients reported satisfaction with services they had received. Regarding client-provider relationship, about 206(71.5%) of women reported that the provider were attentively listening to their problems but 16% of clients believe that there was a problem of privacy. About 266 (92.3%) of clients received information on the services given, from this only 28(9.03%) had obtain information on how to recognize/danger sign of pregnancy. Conclusion and recommendation: The study revealed that majority of women was satisfied with the services they had received. however; only small number of participants had information on how to recognize serious problems occurring during pregnancy. Even if, as a principle all pregnant women should properly involved in decision making process, in this study almost half (44.5%) had not properly involved in decision making process during ANC service provision. Giving greater emphasis on the delivering information on how to recognize serious problems (danger sign) occurring during pregnancy and securing privacy of clients in order to improve quality of care was recommended. Pregnant women should be encouraged to reach at decision during client provider interaction by health care provider.
机译:简介:产前保健是指对孕妇进行的护理,以确保她们安全怀孕和健康婴儿。事实证明,提高ANC和其他生殖健康服务的质量可以增加服务的接受程度,并减少不利的孕产妇健康结局。评估埃塞俄比亚ANC服务质量的尝试有限。尽管在过去的几年中,ANC服务的覆盖范围有所改善,但是服务的质量仍然相对较低。该研究的目的是评估政府卫生机构提供的产前护理服务的质量。方法:2013年10月23日至2013年12月30日,采用基于机构的描述性横断面研究设计。采用预先测试的半结构化问卷,通过访谈收集288例孕妇的定量数据,并对重点人群进行深入访谈。设施级别收集定性数据。使用SPSS 16.0版输入并分析收集的数据。结果:总共256(89%)个客户对所获得的服务表示满意。关于客户与提供者之间的关系,大约206(71.5%)名妇女报告说,服务提供者正在认真倾听她们的问题,但16%的客户认为存在隐私问题。大约266(92.3%)位客户获得了有关所提供服务的信息,其中只有28位(9.03%)获得了有关如何识别/危险怀孕迹象的信息。结论和建议:研究表明,大多数妇女对她们所获得的服务感到满意。然而;仅有少数参与者了解如何识别怀孕期间发生的严重问题的信息。即使作为一项原则,所有孕妇均应适当参与决策过程,但在本研究中,几乎有一半(44.5%)的孕妇在提供ANC服务期间未适当参与决策过程。建议更加重视提供有关如何识别怀孕期间发生的严重问题(危险信号)以及确保服务对象隐私的信息,以提高护理质量。在医疗服务提供者与服务提供者互动时,应鼓励孕妇做出决定。



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