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Administering social issues in Malaysia: An application of social management system




This paper discusses the need for social scientists to not only react to events, but to follow a four-step model to ensure the effectiveness of their roles. The discussion centers around the case of the Rumah Panjang KTM, one of the most badly affected areas during the ethnic clash in Kampung Medan. Adopting the PINTAS model, it is imperative that concerned social scientists follow through a four-step model to achieve an integrated nation and to reduce conflict between its members. Furthermore, these two elements were intricately linked to the survival and displacement of elites within the ruling system. However, there has recently been a transformation of the government and its policies. The Malaysia’s 2008 12thgeneral election witnessed a major political transformation and the rise of political blogging and other manifestations of the non-mainstream media in Malaysia. The Malay, Chinese and Indian tended to stick within their beneath the tranquility surface of Malaysian society, tensions of the potential for violence still lurks.?The data regarding the socio-political tension plays significant impact and tremendous changes in Malaysia reflect relative political hegemony of the Malaysian democracy.
机译:本文讨论了社会科学家不仅需要对事件做出反应,还需要遵循四个步骤的模型以确保其作用的有效性。讨论围绕Rumah Panjang KTM案进行,该案是甘榜棉兰族裔冲突期间受影响最严重的地区之一。采用PINTAS模型,有关社会科学家必须遵循四个步骤的模型,以实现一个一体化的国家并减少其成员之间的冲突。此外,这两个因素与统治体系内精英的生存和流离失所有着千丝万缕的联系。但是,最近发生了政府及其政策的转变。马来西亚2008年第12届大选见证了一场重大的政治变革,政治博客的兴起以及马来西亚非主流媒体的其他表现形式。马来人,华人和印度人倾向于停留在马来西亚社会的平静表面之下,暴力潜在可能性的紧张局势仍然潜伏。有关社会政治紧张局势的数据产生了重大影响,马来西亚的巨大变化反映了马来西亚相对的政治霸权。马来西亚民主。



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