Words of Three Kinds '='' style='font-size:10pt;'> style='font-size:12px;'> depict both the writing style of the style='font-size:12px;'>Zhuangzi style='font-size:12px;'/> Zhuangzian Literary Hermeneutic from Perspective of “Words of Three Kinds三言”
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Zhuangzian Literary Hermeneutic from Perspective of “Words of Three Kinds三言”




style="text-align:justify;"> Words of Three Kinds "="" style="font-size:10pt;"> style="font-size:12px;"> depict both the writing style of the style="font-size:12px;">Zhuangzi style="font-size:12px;">and an especially useful way to interpret it. style="font-size:12px;">Yuyan style="font-size:12px;"> shows the instability of meanings expressed; style="font-size:12px;">Zhongyan style="font-size:12px;">shows the truth revealed is no definite truth; style="font-size:12px;"> Zhiyan style="font-size:12px;"> justifies every interpretation. The analysis of words of three kinds implies style="font-size:12px;">Zhuangzi style="font-size:12px;">’s writing mode might be speaking reckless words, forgetting the words but continuing to speak, urging readers to listen recklessly, embrace all the interpretations, perspectives and values, living a life beyond dichotomy and creating new meanings in their lives.
机译:style =“ text-align:justify;”> 三种单词 “ =”“ style =” font-size:10pt;“> style =” font-size: 12px;“>描述 style =” font-size:12px;“>庄子 style =” font-size:12px ;“>以及一种特别有用的解释方式。 style =” font-size:12px;“>雨燕 style =” font-size: 12px;“>显示所表达含义的不稳定性; style =” font-size:12px;“>中燕 style =” font-size:12px ;“>表明所显示的真相不是确定的真相; style =” font-size:12px;“>智妍 style =” font-size: 12px;“>证明每种解释都是正确的。对三种单词的分析暗示 style =” font-size:12px;“>庄子 style =” font-size:12px;“>的写作方式可能是说出鲁re的单词,忘记了这些单词,而是继续说话,敦促读者鲁ck地聆听,接受所有的解释和观点和价值观,过着二分法之外的生活,并在生活中创造新的意义。



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