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Categorial Grammar: Logical Syntax, Semantics, and Processing Glyn V. Morrill

机译:分类语法:逻辑语法,语义和处理Glyn V. Morrill



The book is neatly divided into three parts that are likely to be of varying levels of interest depending on the specific audience. Part I, titled “Lambek Categorial Grammar,” gives a concise introduction to a number of aspects of Lambek categorial grammar, which is suitable for an audience interested in the basic intuitions and mechanics of that grammar. Part II, titled “Logical Categorial Grammar,” introduces a number of extensions of Lambek’s grammar, each of which are motivated by linguistic considerations. This part is likely to be of relevance to linguists who are interested in the descriptive capabilities of type-logical grammar, but little attention is paid to computational aspects in this part. Part III is a collection of remaining topics that are loosely connected by their attention to processing. This part is directed towards those interested in psycho-linguistics and its connections to type-logical grammars.
机译:这本书整齐地分为三个部分,根据特定读者的不同,他们的兴趣程度可能会有所不同。第一部分,标题为“ Lambek类别语法”,简要介绍了Lambek类别语法的各个方面,适合那些对该语法的基本直觉和力学感兴趣的读者。第二部分标题为“逻辑分类语法”,介绍了Lambek语法的许多扩展,每种扩展都是出于语言方面的考虑。这部分可能与对类型逻辑语法的描述能力感兴趣的语言学家有关,但是这一部分很少关注计算方面。第三部分是其余主题的集合,这些主题由于对处理的关注而松散地联系在一起。本部分针对那些对心理语言学及其与类型逻辑语法有关的人员。



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