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Giovanni Berlinguer: socialist, sanitarian, and humanist!

机译:乔凡尼·柏林格尔(Giovanni Berlinguer):社会主义者,清洁主义者和人本主义者!



This article highlights important aspects of the biography of Giovanni Berlinguer that led him to become a prominent scientist and political activist. His works were marked by a strong socialist conviction and deep humanism. His contribution to health in Brazil ranged from a vast academic output in the field of public health to an active involvement in the Brazilian Health Movement. His later publications addressing everyday bioethics reveal the common thread that runs through his entire works: the use of science to demonstrate the social determinants of health; the fight against unjust inequality; the defense of life against exploitation; and the struggle to prevent the commoditization of life, the human body, and health care.
机译:本文着重介绍了乔凡尼·柏林格尔(Giovanni Berlinguer)传记的重要方面,这些传记使他成为了著名的科学家和政治活动家。他的作品以强烈的社会主义信念和深厚的人文主义为标志。他对巴西卫生的贡献从公共卫生领域的大量学术成果到积极参与巴西卫生运动不等。他后来发表的有关日常生物伦理的出版物揭示了贯穿他整个作品的共同点:利用科学证明健康的社会决定因素;与不公正的不平等作斗争;捍卫生命免受剥削;以及为防止生活,人体和保健商品化而进行的斗争。



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