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Marx’s Labor Theory of Value. Misleading or Truth?




As once noted by Hicks, an economist’s suggestions and recommendations depend on his or her social values and ideological beliefs. But this is not how it should be. Economic science should be the same for liberals, socialists, nationalists, Christians and pagans. I believe that a person’s economic viewpoints and ideological beliefs are, to a large extent, defined by their attitude towards profit. Marxists believe that profit is the unpaid labour of an employee. For liberals profit is the rightful reward of such a specific factor of production as “entrepreneurial talent” and serves as compensation for efficient use of resources. Followers of Keynes and others in favour of state regulation assume an intermediate or middle position between Marxists and liberals. They believe that profit does not always end up in the most deserving hands and so under certain circumstances government officials may restrict the freedom of entrepreneurs and in doing so promote a more equitable distribution of profit. The opinions of economists and their recommendations will continue to differ until there is a definite answer to the question – What is profit? This essay is an attempt to answer this question and I hope that it will help to iron out contradictions between the supporters of different ideologies and political beliefs. ?
机译:正如希克斯曾经指出的那样,经济学家的建议和建议取决于他或她的社会价值观和意识形态信念。但这不是应该的。自由主义者,社会主义者,民族主义者,基督徒和异教徒的经济科学应该是相同的。我相信一个人的经济观点和意识形态在很大程度上取决于他们对利润的态度。马克思主义者认为,利润是雇员的无偿劳动。对于自由主义者而言,利润是诸如“企业家才能”之类的特定生产要素的应有报酬,并且是对资源有效利用的补偿。凯恩斯和其他支持国家规制的追随者在马克思主义者和自由主义者之间处于中间或中间位置。他们认为,利润并不一定总能得到应有的回报,因此在某些情况下,政府官员可能会限制企业家的自由,从而促进利润的更公平分配。经济学家的观点和他们的建议将继续存在分歧,直到对这个问题的明确答案-什么是利润?本文旨在回答这个问题,我希望它将有助于消除不同意识形态和政治信仰支持者之间的矛盾。 ?



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