首页> 外文期刊>Caderno CRH >FORTY YEARS OF AN ELEGIA: Francisco de Oliveira and the NortheastQUARANTE ANS D’éLEGIE: Francisco de Oliveira et le nord-est

FORTY YEARS OF AN ELEGIA: Francisco de Oliveira and the NortheastQUARANTE ANS D’éLEGIE: Francisco de Oliveira et le nord-est




The classic essay of Francisco de Oliveira, Elegia para uma re(li)gi?o were completed forty years in 2017. Dedicated to analyse the trajectory of SUDENE - Superintendência de Desenvolvimento do Nordeste, where the sociologist worked between 1959 and 1964, the paper became a reference for the debates on the regional problems in Brazil. Oliveira criticizes the model of development that guided SUDENE’s activities, especially during the dictatorship. He shows the impact of “milagre econ?mico” on Northeast and the changes in regional division of labour in the country. The essay expresses also the opinions of some left wing intellectuals about the social and economic situations. From the analysis of Oliveira’s main arguments and the debate on the atmosphere surrounding the essay’s creation, this article aims to remind the essay’s impact on Brazilian social sciences in the 1970s and, finally, briefly reflect on its importance for the present.
机译:弗朗西斯科·德·奥利维拉(Francisco de Oliveira)的经典随笔,是《 Elegia para uma re(li)gi?o》,于2017年完成了40年。致力于分析SUDENE的轨迹-诺森斯特的超级情报局(Superintendênciade Desenvolvimento do Nordeste),该社会学家在1959年至1964年之间工作,该论文成为有关巴西区域问题的辩论的参考。奥利维拉(Oliveira)批评了指导SUDENE活动的发展模式,特别是在独裁统治时期。他展示了“经济落后”对东北的影响以及该国区域分工的变化。本文还表达了一些左翼知识分子对社会和经济状况的看法。通过对奥利维拉(Oliveira)的主要论点的分析以及围绕该论文创作氛围的辩论,本文旨在提醒该论文对1970年代对巴西社会科学的影响,并最后简要地反思其对当前的重要性。



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