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Readiness assessment for pragmatic trials (RAPT): a model to assess the readiness of an intervention for testing in a pragmatic trial




Pragmatic randomized, controlled trials (PCTs) test the effectiveness of interventions implemented in routine clinical practice. Because PCT findings are generalizable, this approach is gaining momentum among interventionists and funding agencies seeking to accelerate the testing and adoption of evidence-based strategies to improve care and outcomes. Particular attention is being paid to non-pharmacological interventions, which are often complex and may be difficult to uniformly implement across multiple sites. While many such non-pharmacological interventions have proven efficacious in small trials, most have not been widely adopted. PCTs could accelerate effectiveness testing and adoption, yet there are no established criteria to identify interventions ready for testing in a PCT. We convened 30 interventionists and healthcare leaders to identify criteria to assess the readiness of non-pharmacological interventions for PCTs. Based on this discussion, we created a model with multiple domains, qualitative scoring guidelines for each domain, and a graphical summary of readiness assessments. All workshop participants had an opportunity to review and comment on the resulting model; three piloted it with their own interventions.?Several other experts also provided input. The Readiness Assessment for Pragmatic Trials (RAPT) model enables interventionists to assess an intervention’s readiness for PCTs. RAPT includes nine domains: implementation protocol, evidence, risk, feasibility, measurement, cost, acceptability, alignment, and impact. Domains reflect a range of considerations regarding the feasibility of successfully employing PCT methods and the prospect of an intervention’s widespread adoption, if proven effective. Individuals evaluating an intervention are asked to qualitatively assess each domain from low to high readiness. In this report, we provide assessment guidelines and examples of scored interventions. RAPT is the first model to help interventionists and funders assess the extent to which interventions are ready for PCTs. Scoring efficacious interventions using RAPT can inform research team discussions regarding whether or not to advance an intervention to effectiveness testing using a PCT and how to design that PCT.
机译:语用随机,对照试验(PCT)测试了常规临床实践中实施的干预措施的有效性。由于PCT的调查结果具有普遍性,因此这种方法在试图加快测试和采用循证策略以改善护理和治疗效果的干预者和资助机构中正在获得动力。非药物干预措施尤其受到关注,这些措施通常很复杂,可能难以在多个地点统一实施。尽管许多此类非药物干预措施已在小型试验中证明有效,但大多数并未得到广泛采用。 PCT可以加快有效性测试和采用的速度,但是尚无确定的标准来确定准备在PCT中进行测试的干预措施。我们召集了30位干预专家和医疗保健负责人,以确定评估PCT非药物干预措施是否准备就绪的标准。在此讨论的基础上,我们创建了一个具有多个领域的模型,每个领域的定性评分准则以及准备情况评估的图形摘要。所有讲习班参加者都有机会审查和评论所产生的模型;三位在自己的干预下进行了试点。其他几位专家也提供了意见。实用性试验的就绪性评估(RAPT)模型使干预人员可以评估PCT的干预性就绪性。 RAPT包含九个领域:实施协议,证据,风险,可行性,度量,成本,可接受性,一致性和影响力。领域反映了有关成功采用PCT方法的可行性以及干预措施(如果证明有效)的前景的一系列考虑。要求评估干预措施的个人从低到高准备水平定性评估每个领域。在此报告中,我们提供了评估指南和评分干预措施的示例。 RAPT是帮助干预者和资助者评估为PCT准备就绪的干预程度的第一个模型。使用RAPT对有效干预措施进行评分可以为研究小组讨论有关是否将干预措施推进使用PCT进行有效性测试以及如何设计PCT的讨论。



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