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phylotree.js - a JavaScript library for application development and interactive data visualization in phylogenetics




While several JavaScript packages for visualizing phylogenetic trees exist, most are best characterized as frameworks that are designed with a specific set of tasks in mind. Extending such packages to use cases that are not available as features often ends up being difficult. Moreover, existing packages tend to produce standalone widgets that are not designed to serve as middleware, as opposed to flexible tools that can integrate with other components of an application. phylotree.js is a library that extends the popular data visualization framework d3.js, and is suitable for building JavaScript applications where users can view and interact with phylogenetic trees. The effects of such interactions can be captured and communicated to other package components, making it possible to engineer complex and responsive applications that include phylogenetic trees. phylotree.js implements several abstractions in addition to features, and comes with a documented application programming interface, thus promoting interoperability and extensibility. Example applications include a tool to visualize and annotate phylogenetic trees, a web application for comparative sequence analysis, a structural viewer that interacts with a large phylogenetic tree, and an interactive tanglegram. phylotree.js is a useful tool and application module for a variety of computational biology software applications. The code is available on Github and is released under the MIT license.
机译:虽然存在一些用于可视化系统树的JavaScript程序包,但大多数程序包最好以框架为特征,这些框架在设计时会考虑一组特定的任务。将此类程序包扩展到因功能而无法使用的用例时,通常会很困难。而且,与可以与应用程序的其他组件集成的灵活工具相反,现有的软件包往往会产生独立的小部件,这些小部件不旨在用作中间件。 phylotree.js是一个库,扩展了流行的数据可视化框架d3.js,适用于构建JavaScript应用程序,用户可以在其中查看并与系统发生树进行交互。可以捕获此类交互作用的影响并将其传达给其他包装组件,从而可以设计出复杂且响应迅速的应用程序,其中包括系统发育树。 phylotree.js除了功能外还实现了几种抽象,并附带有文档的应用程序编程接口,从而促进了互操作性和可扩展性。示例应用程序包括可视化和注释系统发育树的工具,用于比较序列分析的Web应用程序,与大型系统发育树进行交互的结构查看器以及交互式的缠结图。 phylotree.js是适用于各种计算生物学软件应用程序的有用工具和应用程序模块。该代码可在Github上获得,并根据MIT许可发布。



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