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Social network analysis of rural medical networks after medical school immersion in a rural clinical school




The impact of new medical graduates on the social dimensions of the rural medical workforce is yet to be examined. Social Network Analysis (SNA) is able to visualize and measure these dimensions. We apply this method to examine the workforce characteristics of graduates from a representative Australian Rural Clinical School. Participants were medical graduates of the Rural Clinical School of Western Australia (RCSWA) from the 2001–2014 cohorts, identified as being in rural work in 2017 by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency. SNA was used to examine the relationships between site of origin and of work destination. Data were entered into UCInet 6 as tied pairs, and visualized using Netdraw. UCINet statistics relating to node centrality were obtained from the node editor. SNA measures showed that the 124 of 709 graduates in rural practice were distributed around Australia, and that their practice was strongly focused on the North, with a clear centre in the remote Western Australian town of Broome. Women were strongly recruited, and were widely distributed. RCSWA appears to be a “weak tie” according to SNA theory: the School attracts graduates to rural nodes where they had only passing prior contact. The multiple activities that comprise the social capital of the most attractive, remote, node demonstrate the clear workforce effects of being a “bridge, broker and boundary spanner” in SNA terms, and add new understanding about recruiting to the rural workforce.
机译:新医科毕业生对农村医务人员社会规模的影响尚待研究。社交网络分析(SNA)能够可视化并衡量这些维度。我们采用这种方法来检查澳大利亚代表性乡村临床学校毕业生的劳动力特征。参加者为2001年至2014年队列的西澳大利亚农村临床学校(RCSWA)的医学毕业生,该群体被澳大利亚卫生从业人员监管局(Australian Health Practitioner Regulatory Agency)认定为2017年在农村工作。 SNA被用来检查起源地点和工作目的地之间的关系。数据作为绑定对输入UCInet 6,并使用Netdraw进行可视化。从节点编辑器获得与节点中心性有关的UCINet统计信息。 SNA的测量表明,709名农村从业人员中有124名是分布在澳大利亚各地的,他们的业务主要集中在北部,西部偏远的布鲁姆镇布鲁姆的中心很明显。妇女被大量招募,并且分布广泛。根据SNA理论,RCSWA似乎是“弱项”:学校将毕业生吸引到他们仅经过事先接触的农村地区。包括最吸引人的偏远节点的社会资本在内的多种活动,以SNA的术语显示了作为“桥梁,经纪人和边界扳手”的明显的劳动力影响,并增加了对农村劳动力招聘的新认识。



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