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Application and development of production technology of computer music under new media environment




Along with the arrival of the third technological revolution, emerge as the times require computer information technology, and make our country in the new media era. In recent years, computer information technology has been widely applied to each field of the society, especially in the music field, our country music production technology has made great progress and improvement, the combination of the two will make our country music level has been raised to a new level. Based on this reason, a discussion on the application and development of production technology of computer music under new media environment is proposed, in order to better understand the development direction of manufacturing technology of computer music and understand the new media to the computer music technology demand.
机译:随着第三次技术革命的到来,随着时代的要求计算机信息技术应运而生,并使我国步入新媒体时代。近年来,计算机信息技术已广泛应用于社会的各个领域,特别是在音乐领域,我国音乐制作技术取得了长足的进步和提高,两者的结合将使我国音乐水平得到提高。达到新的水平。基于此,提出了在新媒体环境下计算机音乐制作技术的应用与发展的讨论,以更好地理解计算机音乐制造技术的发展方向,并了解新媒体对计算机音乐技术的需求。 。



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