首页> 外文期刊>BioTechnology: An Indian Journal >Research of ideological and political teaching model combining with scientificity and artistry in colleges

Research of ideological and political teaching model combining with scientificity and artistry in colleges




If ideological and political education want to get good teaching effect, it is necessary to insist on scientificity and strengthen itself artistry. This study discusses problems existing in ideological and political teaching in current colleges at first. It thinks that current ideological and political education has problems in aspects of students and teachers. Next it researches how to build ideological and political education teaching model with scientificity and artistry in colleges. It thinks that it should carry out from three aspects: insisting on dialectical unity of scientificity and artistry, absorbing nutrition from Marxism sinicization and building teaching body with high quality. This study discusses ideological and political education in colleges from the aspect of combining with scientificity and artistry and has some active enlightenment for ideological and political education time on study method and research approach.



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