本刊以创精品与国际化为办刊方针,旨在反映中国颗粒学研究的最新成果、及时追踪国际颗粒学领域的最新动态。学报主要刊登国内外颗粒学领域中的研究、工程和应用方面的优秀原始论文,包括颗粒测试与表征、颗粒制备与处理、流态化、气溶胶和超微颗粒等。本刊不仅设有论坛、研究论文、研究简报等内容,还有书评、会议信息与报道、测试仪器进展等栏目,便于相关人士进行学术交流,并为科技成果的展示提供平台,信息十分丰富。本刊已陆续被美国化学文摘(CA),俄罗斯文摘杂志(AJ),剑桥科学文摘(CSA)以及中国科技论文与引文数据库(CSTPCD)收录。China PARTICUOLOGY, a bimonthly interdisciplinary journal in English, purports to present the best papers in research, engineering and application in the overall field of PARTICUOLOGY, including particle characterization, particle preparation, aerosol, fluidization and ultra-fine particles. The word PARTICUOLOGY was coined to correspond to its Chinese terminology, which denotes both the science and technology of particles. Although the journal is China-based, it serves as a medium for all accepted papers of international origin, especially the best papers representing current advances in the world. Besides scientific and engineering papers, the journal includes the following sections: R & D notes, Current events, Editorials reviews, Forum for comments, opinions and qualified speculations, News on books, instruments and meetings.Now, China Particuology has been indexed by CA, AJ , CSA and CSTPCD.??读者对象(Audiences): 中国颗粒学会会员、国内外从事颗粒学和颗粒技术研究和生产的大专院校师生、科研院所及企业的研究人员和技术人员。 Member of Chinese Society of Particuology, and researchers or experts who are engaged in the study of particle sciences and technology coming from colleges, institutes and corporations all over the world.