摘要:SY508-3-146[篇名]Characterization of austempered ductile iron through Barkhausen noise measurements,SY508-3-147[篇名]Characterization of metallic and metal oxide nanoparticles produced by electrothermal-chemical synthesis……
摘要:SY508-3-01[篇名] Technology for recycling magnesium alloy housings of notebook computers,SY508-3-02[篇名]Effects of solution treatment temperature on graingrowth and mechanical properties of high strength 18%Nicobalt free maraging steel,……
摘要:SY508-3-46[篇名]Ultra-shallow junction formation by atomic layer doping,SY508-3-47[篇名]Ultra-shallow junction formation by excimer laser annealing of ultra-low energy B implanted in Si,……
摘要:SY508-3-133[篇名]ATOMIC ORDERING AND MAGNETIC PROPERTIES IN THE Nd{sub}50Fe{sub}40Al{sub}10 MELT-SPUN RIBBONS,SY508-3-134[篇名]Audible noise, contact temperature, life and microfracture of dry rolling surfaces using DIN 100Cr6 steel,……
摘要:SY508-3-140[篇名]An Investigation into Application of Ceramic-Metal FGM Plating to Small High Speed Gasoline Engines,SY508-3-141[篇名] An X-ray method for determination of crystallinity as a function of depth from a polymer surface,……
摘要:SY508-3-59[篇名]A Self-Aligned, Electrically Separable Double-Gate MOS Transistor Technology for Dynamic Threshold Voltage Application,SY508-3-60[篇名]Anomalous phosphorous diffusion,……
摘要:SY508-3-111[篇名]Solution Processing of Lanthanum Zirconate Films as Single Buffer Layers for High I { sub } c YBCO Coated,SY508-3-112[篇名]Synthesis and phase composition of FeSr{sub} 2YCu{sub}20{ sub }z,……