摘要:为了厘清“老家河南”旅游目的地品牌内涵,通过梳理国内外旅游目的地品牌建设文献,提出旅游目的地品牌要素构成框架,即旅游产品、旅游交通、基础设施、综合环境、旅游企业、当地居民六大要素构成旅游目的地品牌内涵框架。旅游产品要注重挖掘文脉和地格,旅游交通注重方便和快捷,基础设施注重完善和人本,综合环境注重优美与温馨,旅游企业注重规范与效率,当地居民注重亲切和性格。同时政府要以游客乡情为纽带,积极传播“老家河南”旅游目的地品牌,让游客感知“老家”亲情。%In order to clarify the "hometown Henan" tourism destination brand connotation, the paper puts forward the framework of tourism destination brand essential factor connotation, through combing the domestic and international tourism destination brand building literature. The six major elements of tourism destination brand connotation framework are tourism products, tourism trafifc, infrastructure, integrated environment, tourism enterprises, and local residents. we must pay attention to context and placidity of the tourism products, focus on the convenient and quick of the tourism trafifc, focus on improving and human oriented of the infrastructure, focus on beautiful and warm of the comprehensive environmental, focus on regulation and efifciency of the tourism enterprises, pay attention to cordial and character of the local residents. At the same time, the government should take the nostalgia of tourists as a link, and spread actively the hometown Henan of the tourism destination brand, let visitors feel the home of affection.