首页> 中文期刊>管子学刊 >老子之道及其创生因子探究




Lao Tzu considered Tao as the core of his philosophy .He not only claimed that Tao is the indescribable noumenon of universe ,but also said that Tao is a complex mixture with subtle structural features .He also tried to explain from different perspective the way in which Tao comes into being . According to his philosophy ,Tao is a system mixed up by factors with infinite creativity and in the process of the evolution of universe ,these factors plays a fundamental role ,which is why Tao is the only cause for the being and changing of everything .This idea provides a new dimension for under‐standing the development of modern cosmology and a new approach to scientific exploration into our mysterious world ,and thus can push onwards the advancement of modern cosmology .%“道”是老子哲学体系中的核心,老子不仅提出虚空的道是宇宙的本体,是无法用语言来描述的,而且说明道是混成之物,即道是有精妙的内部结构属性的,并从不同的侧面说明了认识“道”是混成之物的路径。道是由无限创生因子混融而成的系统,宇宙在创生及万物演化的过程中,道或无限的创生因子始终起着根本性的作用,即宇宙间的一切事物现象都是道所为。道是由创生因子混融而成的思想观点,可为现代宇宙论的发展提供新的思维维度,为科学探索真空世界的奥秘提供新的研究途径,推进现代宇宙学的进步。



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