首页> 中文期刊>管子学刊 >休闲生活视域中的临淄蹴鞠




运用文献资料法,从休闲生活的视角对中国古代临淄蹴鞠与休闲生活的关系进行探讨.发现,休闲生活与当时的社会政治、经济、文化密切相关;起源于2300年前的古齐临淄蹴鞠既是一项充实休闲生活的文体娱乐活动,又是现代足球的母体,更以其极强的休"闲性文化功能丰富着现代人们的休闲生活;蹴鞠与休闲生活,古为今用,相得益彰,共同为人类的健康长寿发挥作用.%This thesis explores the relationship between Linzi Cuju and ancient entertainment from the perspective of leisure life in ancient China with the method of documentation,. Leisure life is then found to have close relation with the socio--politics, economy, and culture of that time. Cuju which has a history of more 2300 years since Qi dynasty is not only a kind of entertainment, but also the mother of modern football. And the profound relaxing cultural function makes the life of modern peo-ple more colorful. The entertaining function of Cuju serves both the past and the present, and make a great contribution to human being's health.



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