首页> 中文期刊>管子学刊 >孔门三弟子比较论说




In the ten philosophers of Confucius’ students ,Yanhui ,Zigong and Zilu are all excellence . Their life experience ,temperament ,ability ,moral development and achievement are different ,but they common uphold Confucius and everbright Confucian .Confucius regarded the Chinese nation’s most of the great educator for thousands of years ,Yanhui ,Zigong ,Zilu three people all aspects of the development and achievements of all benefit greatly from Confucius ’ great educational theory and ways of education for all without discrimination and teaching students in accordance with their apti-tude .Three people did not fail to live up to the teachings of Confucius ,to set an example for others , a better interpretation of Confucius and Confucian preached "benevolence ,wisdom ,courage",and to-gether with its master ,in a turbulent world ,adhere to moral principles and search for ideals unswerv-ingly ,for made a significant contribution to the spread and prosperity of Confucianism .%孔门十哲,出类拔萃者莫若颜回、子贡、子路,且此三人之身世、性情、才具、道德修为和成就各有风华,但又殊途同归:共同维护了孔门,光大了儒家。孔子称得上是中华民族几千年来最为伟大的教育家,颜回、子贡、子路三人各方面的修为和成就,莫不大大受惠于夫子有教无类、因材施教的卓越的教育理论和教育方式。三人也没有辜负孔子的教导,以身垂范,较好地诠释了孔子儒家所宣扬的“仁、智、勇”;并与其师一道,在乱世中矢志不渝,坚守道义,追求理想,为儒学的传播和繁荣做出了重要的贡献。



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