首页> 中文期刊>管子学刊 >《保训》“中道”与桓公霸政




《保训》的中心内容“中”或“中道”既包括“勿淫”,又包括利民。它是周代王道的重要组成部分。桓公霸政既是齐桓公治世思想的主要内容,又是霸政的重要组成部分。桓公霸政在一定程度上继承了《保训》“中道”。《保训》“中道”中的利民思想被桓公霸政所继承,“勿淫”内容则因时代原因被齐桓公所摒弃。这体现了霸政“以力假仁”的特色。但战国学者反思霸政时,认为理想霸政理应包括王道德政内容,即继承《保训》“勿淫”思想。%The two dominating ideas in “moderation” in Bao Xun ,no indulgence and benefiting peo-ple ,play dominating roles in the governing ethic of Zhou Dynasty .Of the two ,“benefiting people”was partly adopted by Qi Huan Gong in the process of his seeking hegemony while “no indulgence”was abandoned ,which actually is a demonstration of his believing in hegemony can eb achieved through“employing force in the name of benevolence” .Qi Huan Gong’s belief is under attack of scholars on Warring States , w ho believe that an ideal process of hegemony should adopt both of the two .



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