首页> 外文期刊>Worldviews environment, culture, religion >Frank Schalow. The Incarnality of Being: The Earth, Animals, and the Body in Heidegger's Thought. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2006. 212 pp. ISBN: 0-7914-6735-X. US$21.95

Frank Schalow. The Incarnality of Being: The Earth, Animals, and the Body in Heidegger's Thought. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2006. 212 pp. ISBN: 0-7914-6735-X. US$21.95

机译:弗兰克·舍洛存在的魔咒:海德格尔思想中的地球,动物和身体。奥尔巴尼:纽约州立大学出版社,2006年。212页,ISBN:0-7914-6735-X。 US $ 21.95

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In his latest monograph, Frank Schalow, a prolific interpreter of Heidegger, has tackled some of the most neglected and contentious issues in his oeu-vre. In the history of the reception of Heidegger's thought, some of the most prominent complaints, raise
机译:在他的最新专着中,海德格尔的多才翻译弗兰克·舍洛(Frank Schalow)在他的著作中解决了一些最被忽视和争议最大的问题。在接受海德格尔思想的历史中,一些最著名的抱怨提出了



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