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Leonardo da Vinci Our Contemporary?


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This essay polemicizes with a number of historians who claim that the European Renaissance has either "failed" or "continues to recede from us at an accelerating rate" (Burke 1998: 41; Barzun 2000; Bouswma 2002). I explore and revalue the ideas and representations of Renaissance humanism and the way they become manifest in the work of Leonardo da Vinci. I argue three main points: Firstly, that there is a fascinating, and much underestimated, ecological strain in Leonardo's opus, a view of relationship between humans and nature, which has a bearing on a paradigm shift required by the current environmental and social crisis. Secondly, in the project of re-imagining a sustainable future, there is much to learn from the way in which a small and subversive community of Renaissance umanisti managed-against all odds-to forge a ground-breaking ethical vision which became the foundation of Western modernity. Finally, both Leonardo's legacy and a reinvention of humanity and nature in the ideas of the Renaissance writers and thinkers, draw attention to a unique code of "eco-humanism"-a value platform emphasizing human dignity, nature's autonomy and authority, the importance of free inquiry and dialogue, as well as the codex of limitations to human pursuits.
机译:这篇文章与许多历史学家争论不休,他们声称欧洲文艺复兴已经“失败”或“继续以加速的速度从我们后面退缩”(Burke 1998:41; Barzun 2000; Bouswma 2002)。我探索并重估了文艺复兴时期人文主义的思想和表征,以及它们在莱昂纳多·达·芬奇作品中的体现方式。我要提出三点要点:首先,莱昂纳多作品中存在令人着迷且被低估的生态压力,这是人与自然之间关系的观点,与当前环境和社会危机所要求的范式转变有关。其次,在重新构想可持续发展的未来的项目中,有很多值得借鉴的经验,那就是一个小的,颠覆性的文艺复兴时期的乌玛尼斯蒂社区,在千方百计的管理下,树立了开创性的道德观,成为了人类发展的基础。西方现代性。最后,莱昂纳多的遗产以及文艺复兴时期作家和思想家思想中人性与自然的重塑,都引起人们对“生态人文主义”独特代码的关注,“生态人文主义”是一个强调人类尊严,大自然的自主性和权威性,免费的询问和对话,以及人类追求的局限性法典。



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