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Meaning-Making Practices, Copyrights, and Architecture in the Indonesian Archipelago: Openings toward a Planetary Ethic


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This article examines the connections between meaning-making practices and how those practices are codified into institutions and structures that shape individual identities. The theoretical and geographical locus of this article is Indonesia where one can be Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim, Catholic, Protestant, or Confucian, but not outwardly an atheist. In practice, there are a lot of hybrid religious identities, and this is echoed in Indonesia's economic and legal institutions, and even its architecture. In other words, what Tom Boellstorff identifies as an "archipelagic" understanding of the self in Indonesia is supported by multiple meaning-making practices and is reinforced through such technologies as copyright laws and architecture. Whereas the monotheistic traditions of the West, and even the Middle East, take place over large uninterrupted geographical spaces, the Muslim monotheism that spreads throughout the Indonesian archipelago takes on different forms depending on the context of the Island. With the rise of Indonesian nationalism, these various contexts are drawn together into a hybrid-monotheism. Such pastiche is reinforced in legal, economic, and architectural technologies. The pluralistic and hybrid beliefs and identities of the archipelago, can provide fertile grounds for articulating a planetary environmental ethic.
机译:本文探讨了意义实践与实践之间的联系,以及这些实践如何被编纂为塑造个人身份的制度和结构。本文的理论和地理位置是印度尼西亚,那里的人们可以是佛教徒,印度教徒,穆斯林,天主教徒,新教徒或儒家,但表面上没有无神论者。在实践中,有很多混合的宗教身份,印度尼西亚的经济和法律机构,甚至其建筑体系都对此表示赞同。换句话说,汤姆·博尔斯托夫(Tom Boellstorff)认为印度尼西亚对自我的“群岛”理解得到了多种意义的实践的支持,并通过版权法和建筑学等技术得到了加强。西方甚至中东的一神教传统都发生在不间断的巨大地理空间上,而散布在整个印尼群岛上的穆斯林一神教则根据岛屿的情况采用不同的形式。随着印度尼西亚民族主义的兴起,这些不同的背景被融合为混合一神论。在法律,经济和建筑技术方面,这种模仿得以加强。群岛的多元化和混合性信仰与身份,可以为阐明行星式环境伦理提供沃土。



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